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WARNINGS: Mentions of "murder" "kidnapping"

Cassie's POV:

I walk into the room and have a seat as Austin spoke, "And we don't feed past Memorial Day." The man answers, "Yes. The system has held. It's a symbiosis. You get the freedom and the quiet to write and kill, and we get to brag about having artists make their winter home out here."

He continues, "It adds to the charm. But this winter has been completely out of control. I mean," He looks to Austin, "you killed the chief. I mean, if that isn't the worst example of shitting where you eat, I don't know what is."

My grandmother answers, "It's not us. It's the Hollywood people." I see what was going on here, my grandma was going to try to place the blame on that new family that just moved to town.

Grandma, "They ruin everything" Austin, "It's true" I looked at him as I couldn't believe he was taking my grandmother's side in this, this is completely ludicrous, "Belle and I are people of the letters. Literature, the stage- these are art forms that demand a degree of decorum and restraint from their purveyors."

Most of the time, I was overlooked by my kind- mainly by my grandma and Austin, just because I didn't consume what they did, that my diet is not in accordance with their own.

Austin, "These fucking Hollywood people have no decency. And no self-control" Belle acted as if it was a catastrophe, "That beast of a man gave the pills of his child. It makes you think that maybe some of that QAnon business about them being satanic baby-killers is based in some fact."

The lady beside the man speaks up, "All I know is, I told you two to get rid of him days ago." Grandma, "I've been very busy. I'm on a deadline." The man urges them, "Yeah, well, so are we. The council asked me to convey a message: Get rid of the troublemakers, or all of you are suddenly going to find yourselves going into some very annoying zoning issues."

He includes, "Including painting all of the curbs in front of your houses red and declaring all of your domiciles as historic landmarks." He points to my grandma, "Which means that even to change a bulb will take a six week approval process."

He continues, "You know, I stopped Burger King from opening in this town. I can stop you too" He walked out of the room, as everyone took a deep breath. He does have a point- he does have that much power.

The lady asks, "What's the plan?" Everyone sat in silence...clueless.

Recently, I couldn't believe what crime my grandmother has committed. She kidnapped Harry's newborn baby. She left a note in the baby's cradle:

'I know good help is hard to find but you really should look into a new babysitter. In the meantime, I've taken it on myself to look after the little bundle of joy. Don't worry, he'll be safe and sound and snug as a bug. But if you aren't at my house by sunset, that will change. PS: Make sure you bring the string plucker. This needs to be a family meeting. Sincerely, Belle.'

I was determined to not let my grandmother get ahold of that baby ever again. I will get this baby back to Harry, even if it destroys me. Harry soon came to our house that same night with his daughter, Alma.

There was my grandma right there, "Care for some baby charcuterie? I hear it's delicious." She wasn't even holding the baby. Harry looks to me, because I was carrying the baby, "Don't listen to her."

Belle, "Pull in the reins. Daddy!" He backed off as he stayed close to me, as I held his baby in my caring arms. I knew for a fact that I was not going to hurt this baby, and Harry knew that too.

Belle, "Much obliged" She took a seat as Harry turned around, as quick as a flash, as Austin was right behind him. The baby started to cry and whine, I rock him back and forth, "Ssh. Ssh. It's okay. It's okay."

Harry, "Whatever you're up too. Just let me take my kids and leave town. I swear, you will never hear from us again." I say we just let them go- I don't see the harm.

The black lady appears, "Until your supply of pills runs out." I roll my eyes, 'Does this lady ever go away?' Harry insists, "No. We're off the pills. We're not taking them again. I just want to go back to my old life." The chemist laughs, "Sure you do."

Harry, "Listen, I just finished writing something, and it's gonna be huge. I don't need the pills anymore. It's the truth" Austin gave a hand signal that resembled a 'blow job.'

No one seemed to believe Harry. My grandma insisted, "You forget you're talking to a fellow writer. Correction: Novelists are writers. Screenwriters are more like, creative typists. Really, all writers are is professional liars."

Belle, "And the truth is whatever we decide it is. But lucky for us, the tasting party is just getting started." They all started to corner me, because I was holding his son, but I would never let them hurt the baby.

Belle, "I promise he won't feel a thing. But you, on the other hand are going to feel it profoundly." Austin, "Can't say we didn't give you a chance, Harry. We tried to be welcoming. P-Town is a welcoming place, but you fucked it up."

He was pointing a gun at Harry, and at this very moment, I realized that Austin is a monster, and the same could be said for my grandmother- but she was my family, the only one I had left. It was either this or foster care after my parents died.

Belle, "Is there any way that Hollywood hasn't fucked up in the end? More often than not, whatever came out of there finished in a pool of its own piss."

Both Belle and Austin laughed. Belle, "Whether it be Marilyn or even Fitzgerald. I mean, even back in the early 1900s, when the silent pictures were coming out and the film people were moving to Hollywood. The locals didn't want them there. They called film people "movies" because they were all moving around and causing trouble. It was a term of disdain."

Belle, "The locals back, they were right and so are we. But unlike them, we're going to clean up this town!" She shouts like a psychopath. Just as Austin was about to strike Harry, a window breaks, which interrupted the moment.

It was those vampiric people, but I would not let them get the baby- even if they killed me. Belle smacked one across the face, as it fell to the ground. I led Harry and Alma to hidden shelter, while Austin and Belle defended themselves.

Austin stabbed one, and the body fell to the ground. Another one bit Austin as he grunted in pain, "Ah! Shit!" Two bit my grandmother at the same time in the neck. They continued to bite her and suck her blood as her corpse fell to the ground. She choked on her own blood. As they did the same with Austin.

I run over to my grandma and she tells me, "Darling, there's something I must tell you. Your parents didn't die in the car crash, I killed them. Your mother's death- a complete accident, but I didn't like your father."

I was totally shocked as he put a paper into my hands, "It will explain everything." She said before she died. I went over to Austin next, who I could tell was minutes from death, he and I kissed- and that was all that was needed to be said and done.

I was saddened by their deaths, but I knew I didn't have the time to dwell. I led Harry and Alma out of our hiding space, still carrying his newborn son in my arms, but the vampiric people were not that far behind us.

Gunshots blasted, as blood landed on Harry and I. I made sure not to get any on the baby. Ursula- Harry's boss was the one who shot the vampiric person in front of us. His corpse fell to the ground as she did the same with the others- they all died instantly on impact.

She smiles, "Well...that went better than expected." She puts the gun down on a little table, "It was touch and go there for a sec."

'Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved.'- Twilight.

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