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WARNINGS: "Torture" "Area 51" "Cheating" "C-Section" "Sex" "Look like drug overdose death"

Narrator's POV:


Eisenhower refused to sign the treaty between the aliens and the humans, because he realized that he would be condemning humans to torture from aliens- and to turn a blind eye to the whole ordeal.

But he would rather, the Americans get hands on technology. Rather than the Soviet Union, rather than the Russians or the Chinese. The treaty was a paper form of blackmail, which is also what he refuses to sign.

He signed the paper- because the thing was choking the life out of his wife. Eisenhower felt like a failure, because he had failed his country and the people that he was supposed and sworn by oath and duty as President of the United States of America to protect.

-Three years later-

298 of these things have happened in the past three years since he signed that document that changed everything forever. The people in the White House tried to flee in panic, but it was no use.

A man named Valiant Thor had arrived. He wasn't exactly a man- he had a technological brain- not a brain, but a system of gears inside his brain.

President Eisenhower had no idea what he got himself in for when he signed that doom treaty with the aliens. It was constantly one thing after the next- the treaty, the alien activity, the American people being abducted and experimented on, Thor arriving and now everyone is in big amounts of danger.

It was decided that the White House was the perfect place to conduct their alien experiments. That was until Mamie reminded Eisenhower of that place in Nevada- a place where the aliens could go to conduct their experiments, as many as they wished.

According to Eisenhower, who signed a contract with Valiant Thor on the subject, "The land will be set aside for the construction of a top secret biological testing and information exchange facility."

Eisenhower, "It's current AEC designation is Area 51." He hands the contract to Valiant, who took the contract and walked out the door- never to be seen again.

They promised to never speak of the events that have happened today, and they assumed that the alien activity would stop for good- he thought that was the last he had seen of Valiant- but he discovered he and his wife, Mamie having sex.

Just then, Eisenhower fell unconscious. It sadly wasn't the first time. Eisenhower also caught his wife in the tub with her personal massager one other time.

-Five Years Later-

Marilyn Monroe, her death was caused by the aliens as well. They made her death look like a drug overdose, since she was already taking pills and drinking.

-One Year Later-

Lyndon Johnson just became President just as Eisenhower was beginning to question his life choices at that point in his life and in his career.

-Present Day-

Troy was still in the process of giving birth, but the pain hurt him so bad. He kept on questioning how the thing is going to come out of him. They stopped communicating through mere words, and instead transferred to mind communication, "I can hear you in my head, but..."

The hybrid said, "To be human is to not understand. The optimum condition for your race is to surrender to that innocence." They got the thing out of him by performing a C-Section, but he was disgusted even by the mere sound of it all.

It didn't even look like a normal baby. It was inside a sack, which they had to cut open to release the thing. Troy didn't care what it was, he just saw it as his baby.

The thing didn't even have white in its eyes, its physicalities were abnormal. It looked like a complete alien- not displaying any human features at all. They killed the thing in front of him, which Troy felt like it was killing him from the inside out.

The thing told him that there would be more, but then he went unconscious.

-One week later-

He and his friends were still there. His friends, still pregnant- but he was mortified. He felt connected to it, but they killed it- he couldn't live with it.


Calico noticed Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin one night in a bar. They blasted off days before and were going to float in space. The one line Neil is supposed to say is, "That's one giant leap for mankind."

The whole thing is staged. There was never any landings on the real moon- just one a fake moon set in Area 51. They believed that they were going to beat the Russians at their own game.

-Present Day-

Troy helped Cal deliver his baby- Cal didn't want the aliens to take away his baby and murder it, like they did Troy's. Troy took him to the moon room, where he had him bite down on a rag, while he surgically removed the baby the same way he saw the hybrid's do it.

They believed that they were starting their own family- but this alien baby had tentacles, and it attacked Cal.

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