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Cassie's POV:

We couldn't believe what had just happened. Ursula, "I wasn't sure that I was getting through to them, but in the end they bought it: hook, line and sinker."

Harry, out of breath thanks her, "Thank you. Now tell me how the fuck you did that." Ursula, "Well, sometimes it's best not to ask how the sausage is made. Just know that I would do anything for my favorite client." She smiles at the end.

The chemist interrupts, "All that wasted talent" The baby begins to cry as I continue to cradle him in my arms, "Ssh." Ursula, "Oh Jesus. I think this kid is actually bringing out her and my maternal instinct. I hope there's a pill for that."

Harry asks his daughter if she is okay, which she responds with a small smile, "Yeah" Harry, "You were so brave" She responds, "So were you, Dad." He reassures her, "We're gonna be all right."

I could tell that he hasn't felt that way in a long while, "We're gonna get through this and go back to our old life. And be happy-the three of us." Sadly, there was no more Doris in the picture.

Alma, "I'm sorry, Dad, but it's just gonna be the two of us" She hugs him as he grows confused, "What?" She confesses, "I gotta be the greatest." Her teeth grow, "I can't let you stop me." I say to her as my eyes grow wide, "Alma! No!"

But it was too late- she bit into the side of her father's neck. He grunts in pain as his body collapses on the floor with Alma on top of him, sucking out his blood.

I couldn't look as I turn away. The chemist, "I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Ursula, "It's a loss. He could have been the next Sorkin." I guess they were right sadly, he would never make another great thing again, especially after trying to recover from those little black pills.

Austin- gone. Grandma? Gone. Harry and Doris? Both dead. Now, an orphan once again- as is Doris and Harry's baby son and Alma. Ursula comments, "Fucking tragic."

Ursula, "So, it looks like the new pill really works." Chemist, "Actually, they were old pills that I rejected, because they caused some strange behavior. Made the users turn on each other."

Chemist, "On these poor fools, it made them turn on anyone using and talented." Ursula, "Hmm. Explains why they didn't come after me" The chemist questions, "You really think the state trooper's going to believe this story?"

The chemist continues, "That he killed all of them?" Ursula, "Well, it's gonna take a little dressing, a little finessing, but a strung-out Hollywood writer under pressure and doing drugs going all Manson?"

Ursula was truly a very sick individual- this whole thing was planned- the deaths of my grandma, Austin and Harry, not to mention all of the vampiric people- and Ursula was going to put it all on Harry.

Ursula, "I think that's a story I can sell. But that can wait. First, we set you up in La La Land- so you can start cranking out your pills. There's a whole city bursting with talent just waiting to shell out for a boost."

Alma looks up, her mouth covered in her dad's blood, "Do you mind? I don't like people watching me while I eat." She went back to doing her own business.

It was just 3 months later in Hollywood, LA- where there was a massacre on Hollywood Boulevard. A police officer randomly attacked an innocent tourist by biting him in the neck-like some vampire. The police officer was part of the 'Bad Apple List.'

An unofficial database of LAPD officers with multiple race-based complaints filed against them. That's what they think it is, I don't believe that for a minute. Those people have turned into vampires because of those pills.

Alma, the chemist, Ursula and I lived in a big house. I was only allowed to live- not only because I was one, but that I could take care of Eli. Ursula comes in after taking a phone call, "Where's Eli?"

Chemist, "With Cassie. How was your day?" Ursula, "God. I'm destroyed. I've been trolling Starbucks all day, handing out pills to anyone with a laptop, with a script on it."

I wish all this shit with the pills would stop- it's the main reason why everyone is turning into a monster. A shred of their former selfs. But I knew there was close to nowhere, to where I could take Eli.

I wish I could just take him to a place- just him and I. Without Alma. Without the chemist. Without Ursula. Without these vampiric people. A place where just him and I could be safe.

Chemist, "That's the most efficient use of your time?" Ursula was in disbelief, "Who has time to read submissions and talk to agents about who they think is talented? I mean, we like this lifestyle. If we want to keep it up, we've got to be in the volume business."

Chemist, "You're creating a lot of pale people. Especially pushing pills at a Starbucks. No self-respecting writer writes at a Starbucks." Alma, "So what?" She rolls her eyes, "If you're talentless they're useless anyway."

Ursula smirks, "That's my girl. I can't believe you turned out so well being raised by Harry and that glass of warm oat milk. How's the practicing?" Alma reviews her notes, "Good. I'm ready."

Ever since the past events, Ursula and the chemist pretty much took in Alma, Eli and I. Since we were all the only ones to survive. Alma went to eat, before we went and watched her violin audition later that evening.

It was sad, her story- she was a deeply misunderstood child, who took the pills to deem herself and her musical talent as perfect- when she was already well on her way there without the pills.

She bows as the crowd stays silent. Now, she was up for first chair. It was an audition. Her competition, Rory- she ended up killing him after the audition. He was a child prodigy like her too- he graduated from Julliard at the age of 16.

Ursula reminds me of cult leaders. Ones like Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite, Kai Anderson, all of these others. I could go on and on with the ways of how Ursula reminds me of these cult leaders.

All of those people Ursula was giving a talk-seminar too. All the ones who sat in the audience, they turned into those vampiric monsters after taking those black pills that she gave to them.

Just more pale, bald, vampiric, zombie feeding monsters. They planned to move to another place, create a new drug, one that could make people live forever. I cradled that baby in my arms as he cried, but I tried my best to soften his cries.

The chemist drove us away from the people destroying the countless others, the land and themselves. I was with Eli in the back as she drove us away.

As I finally had a minute to myself, I read the note that my grandmother left me: My dearest Cassandra, I know you prefer to be called, 'Cassie' but that is not what's important now. I am responsible for your parents' death- not a car crash. I didn't tell you because I knew it would be too much for you. I didn't mean to kill your mother, but I did for your father- he was trying to redirect your mother to another way of life- one that was not the one I was okay with. You are never alone- I, and Austin will always be with you.

PS: I also knew about the fashion rebelling thing you did, under the premise of 'Sofia.' As a fashion competitor, I absolutely cannot condone it- but as a grandma, I say, right on. Go on and conquer those great big dreams of yours! Give them hell and the world is your oyster now, kiddo.-

Love you forever, grandma.

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