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WARNINGS: "killed" "decapitation" "using a body as a breeding vessel."

Narrator's POV:

Mamie Eisenhower was the one to mention the Watergate scandal with President Nixon to Valiant Thor. She insisted that her name was not to be mentioned, but instead under the name premises of 'Deep Throat.'

Nixon resigned the Presidency- Ford will take over as President. He was abducted by the aliens-Nixon was.

In 1979, it was announced that Mamie Eisenhower passed away- due to heart failure- she wanted to die a quiet death, but she also wanted to live forever- and with Valiant's promise- that was due to happen.

Mamie now lived in the alternate universe of white with everyone else that was abducted and impregnated by the aliens.

-Present Day-

An unauthorized death took place- and it was both Troy and Cal, who passed away- due to their alien baby, the one that came from Cal. The one that was Cal's hybrid baby.

That thing killed a guard, but they secured the child- even though it's not a child, but a monster. They murdered the A team guards, and promoted the B team guards.

Both Kendall and Jamie saw the dead bodies of their guy friends, Cal and Troy, and the guards as well. It would also appear that now Jamie is going into labor, but they were both knocked unconscious- as they were brought to the labor and delivery room.

They killed Jamie's baby, when the hybrid shook her head. They then killed Jamie. It was now, Kendall's turn- her child is the perfect specimen between both humans and aliens- the perfect hybrid.

The hybrid announced that the experiment is over as they have finally accomplished their goal. Her baby was kept as Kendall said, "I said it's only a matter of time. Without us, without conquest, you'll get bored. You'll get complacent and lazy. Heavy is the head that wears the crown."

The hybrid nurse says, "Well, you won't need that heavy head any longer. We'll take it from here." She then surgically killed Kendall as well. She was surgically decapitated. The hybrid nurse commands, "Preserve this vessel. It's the perfect breeding machine."

None of the four friends made it out of the hell hole that is Area 51. These people in white, in this white world- they live forever. Calico asks someone in a group of people, "Did someone win the lottery?"

They chuckle, "We've done it. The first hybrid was just born. Everything has just changed." It was just when Mamie wanted things to change.

Valiant asks Mamie, "If you had a prize rose garden, and the gardener let all of your roses wither and die. What would you do to him?" He asks her this after she found out that he and all the aliens plan to populate Earth by killing all humans, and instead re-populating it with an alien hybrid population.

She responds, "Fire him" He smiles, "Earth is the garden. Humanity is the gardener. We're firing you." She asks him, "So. What happens to us?" He says, "Rest assured, certain people will be spared, including yourself. In honor of everything you have done for my species..."

Mamie was pissed. Instead of doing something good, like she thought- saving humanity- she brought the one thing that did the opposite- destroy humanity, and she believed that the aliens were the very beings that killed her husband, President Eisenhower, not some medical condition.

He was very stressed about the creatures, since the beginning with that treaty that he was forced to sign by the damn creatures. She believed that the stress that they brought him is truly what killed her husband.

Valiant, "You feel like a traitor to your kind. I understand, but you mustn't think of it that way. History is written by the victors. You will be remembered as one of the few good humans, who understood the limitations of your kind."

She began to cry, "Who could see the future." She doesn't look at Thor in the eye, "Oh, Ike" He says, "As will he. The two saviors of planet Earth." She admits, "He wouldn't want that. He was right about you. He tried to warn me that you couldn't be trusted."

She tries to walk away from him, "If it makes you feel any better. It wouldn't have mattered if you believed him. Nothing would have changed." But she turned to face him again, "He said there was another race, another group of aliens. Like reptiles."

He answers her, "Yes. He was right about that, too" She asks him, "Are you going to destroy them?" He clarifies, "I said that we cannot share this planet with humans, but we will share it with them. They may be cold blooded and hideous, but they have qualifies that we admire, and technology that we need."

He confesses, "Your species has neither." The plan is to kill everyone and take the planet for themselves. The adult nurse hybrid made Mamie Eisenhower's head blow off her body.

Kendall's body gave birth to a second perfect specimen after that.

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