Chapter 2

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       At a serene chamber in an unknown destination, Canon, the elder of law, sat on a chair impailed with gold that lied in front of a circular table. On it slept different assets that he made use of. He held in his hand a quill invented from the feather of a phoenix.

It had its tip dipped in ink which he in turn used to bullet words into lengthy scrolls. He was writing on one scroll when suddenly unknown writings began to appear on an empty scroll beside him on the table. He dug out the facts and came to know that it was the works of Chaos.

The message displayed an invitation that yearned for his presence. He enthusiastically abandoned his job and heeded to the call.

At the underworld, where deceased souls were marching on the path of death, hel, the elder of life and death, was guiding them safely across the path. He held onto an old soul by supporting his back and hand with both his hands.

Suddenly the old soul started uttering words saying he is invited to the chamber of order. He unfroze the mystery knowing this was the doings of Chaos. He left and voluntarily summoned himself to the chamber.

Lastly was Hyperion, the watcher, who was effortlessly staring at a point in space with his glowy blue eyes. He faced colorful clusters of stars which played peaceful melodies. Within his undisturbed moment he sensed a pending future that welled up within his existence. He was sitting with the other elders discussing upon an unknown topic. His eager to know what was hidden behind the walls summoned him to the chamber of order.

At the end of the day, they all arrived. Chaos acknowledged their presence and seated them onto seven divine thrones cursed with power. There was one empty seat that was reserved for sage, but because of his unavailability, it wasn't burdened with weight.

After they had all seated, Chaos told them the purpose of the invitation. He accepted the fact that though the seventh realm was the only realm that begged for a ruler, but he wants to use the opportunity to offer the other realms too to gods.

At that point when his lips were zipped, he was looking forth to an opposing response but mysteriously, they all agreed. They believed that even forever had an end and it will be best if they settled to let someone take over.

After they were all satisfied with the possibility, they commenced to select the champions.

           "My friends it is time to decide,"  Chaos started off with exclamation in his voice. "Which gods do you provide." 

       "The realms unlike fluid are very delicate. Even with such power I cannot decide its fate," the weaver of destiny implied.

They acknowledged the consequences of establishing an invalid response.

      "Several gods we have known, but who is worthy to wield a throne," Canon said.

They started to think far and wide as seriousness drew upon their faces. During that moment Hyperion, the watcher, started looking side to side with his glowy blue eyes and eventually decided to speak.

       "I've look far and wide and seen, a father of a human being," I choose Equilibrium the god of balance.

They devoted a second staring at him with a slight sign of satisfaction. They knew Equilibrium as a god endeavored with bringing balance to the world and acknowledged the possibility that he will be a valuable addition to divine power.

        "Well if that is the news then listen, I choose Zeus the god of lightning," the measurer of destiny said.

They agreed to their second possibility. They then turned to Hel to witness his utmost opinion. Hel was pictured as a poetic figure and well known for his wise words that gives meaning to life.

      "Let skins wither in ages and deceased souls celebrate their birth. I choose Hades the guardian of death," Hel said.

He knew Hades was the only one who can perfectly rule the underworld and guide deceased souls through the path of death.

       "Everyone knows he is a prime. I choose Chronos the god of time," the cutter of destiny contributed.

       "When sea creatures are hidden beneath the breeze, they call to Poseidon ruler of seas," Chaos added.

       "Fatal attacks he parries when enemies thaw. I choose Ares the god of war," the measurer of destiny said.
The last selection lied in the palms of Canon. He replied with a rapid response choosing falcon the ruler of the sky. He was rumored to bear the capability of harnessing the wind and taming wild beasts typically the death dragon.

After they completed the selections, they summoned all the gods to devise their various positions. In pursuit for them, Chaos assigned Hermes.

After sometime Hermes arrived. He knelt before them and seized a gaping opportunity to speak.

       "I am a messenger summoned by decree. What do my seven masters ask of me," Hermes said.

Chaos told him to bring all the Greek gods to the chamber of order. Afterwards, Hermes disappeared from the scene living the elders to wonder.

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