Bored as hell

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I'm bored as hell waiting for school to end. Not like I had anything planned anyway. All I'd probably do is hang out with my two best friends, Sami and Toni (both girls), and maybe spend some time out of my room and the dark.
Like I would.
Anyway, my physics teacher finally lets us leave for lunch and I exit as I always do - fast and pissed off. Except today I actually wait for the three girls from my form. They're okay, but I don't really speak to anyone much. I don't have social anxiety like Sami, but I tend to daydream which comes from my lucky mixture of MD and ADHD. Bless the universe for giving these to me.
"What are you gonna do over the summer, Evie?" Beka asks me, frowning as she does so.
"M-me? Oh, nothing much. What about you guys?" I ask, directing the attention away from me and to Fifi and Sophia.
Urgh, attention.
"I'm going to Wales with the family," Fifi says. "From one cold place to another!" She adds sarcastically.
Sophia laughs. "Meggie, Beka and me are going to see Gerard Way in concert."
Beka grins. She's a huge fan of him, always talking about him. She can say his name twenty times in fifty minutes, which I found out after sitting next to her in a class.
"Aw, have fun!" I smile. "Just make sure Beka doesn't kidnap him or anything."
We all laugh as we enter our form room and one of my best friends stands over her desk, frowning at her pile of books. I rush to her and clap my hands in front of her face.
She looks up at me, curly hair cascading from her scalp. "Okay, Evie you're hyper. Who gave you sugar?"
I roll my eyes. "Toni, just because I clap my hands doesn't mean I'm hyper. It means..." I shook my head. "Nevermind, I'm just wondering what my mum wants to talk to me about later."
Toni looks at me sympathetically. "Your mum loves you, E. Don't worry about it."
"You're sure?"
"Of course, now lets go find Sami."

Turns out my dad is Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now