Mutant Lizards & Kisses |1|

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Warning(s): Swearing, police!sam, mentions of fighting & injuries


You limped, nearly collapsing on the roof as you held your side.Your trap for Dr. Connors did not work out how you planned, and your recklessness to get more photos than you needed ended you up with none.

You painfully crawled down, making your way to the fire escape outside the window you recognized. You knocked on it three times with your head, ignoring your pounding headache. You kept your head resting on the window as you heard clicking from the other side. Tara looked over to you and smiled before saying, "Come in," then turning back to the assignment she was working on.

You push the window up, sliding through the opening as you exhale tiredly.

"You should maybe, uh, consider coming in through the main entrance," Tara jokes and you huff a laugh.

You struggle to lift yourself until finally hopping into her room

"Also, my sister is under the impression that you require psychiatric attention...." Tara finally turns to you when she hears you grunt and her eyes slightly widen.

"Y/N." She stood up from her chair and rushed over to you. You're now leaning against the wall, when Tara comes up to you.

"What the hell happened?" She asked quickly.

"You should see the other guy," you say in a husky voice; you can still see Tara fretting over your injuries.

She carefully walks you to her bed, gently laying you down, not wanting to cause you any further pain. You tilt your head back as you continue to speak through deep breaths, "the other guy, in this instance being a giant mutant lizard."

"You're all bruised up–"

"Tara, I'm fi–"

"You're not fine," Tara interrupted in a sharp tone.


You both stopped your movement when you heard Sam's voice from the other side of the door.

"Hey, Tara, I have to run to the station. Do you want me to pick up some ice cream from that place you like, on the way back?" You and Tara shared a look before she got up and you rolled to the floor.

Tara opened the door just a few inches to greet her older sister. "No, Sam. I do not want ice cream. I can't afford any distractions right now. I have a bunch of exams to prepare for," Tara said, trying to fake an aggravated tone.

"Okay, I just remember somebody saying last week that her fantasy was to live in an ice cream house," Sam reminded Tara.

"Well that's impractical," she said, shutting the door. "And fattening," she added after opening the door, now shutting it again.

She turned around to see you peeking from behind the bed, giving her a dopey smile. "An ice cream house?" You questioned, still wearing the same expression.

Tara rolled her eyes, nodding, still not saying a word before turning back around to open the door once again.

"Sorry..." Tara apologized to Sam.

"It's really good ice cream."

"It's just I can't, um, I'm doing this um—paper and I'm really focused on it. Didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's okay, I get it. How about I bring you a some for later?"

"Okay, sounds good. Thanks Sammy," Tara said with a smile before shutting the door one more time.

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