One-Shot |1|: Vigilantes & Branzino

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Warning(s): Swearing, police!Sam, & vigilante slander (?)


"Hi." You heard out of the blue; you looked up from your book to find Tara looking at you as you took out your headphones.

"Hi," you replied with a small smile.

"Do you like branzino?" She randomly asked. You furrowed your eyebrows a bit, tilting your head as you looked a little confused.

"You know, like a fish?"

"Mhm, no, no," you let out a small chuckle, "I know. I know," you shrugged.

"Well, if you want, you can come to this address at eight o' clock?" She proposed as she wrote something down on a piece of paper, soon handing it to you.

"My roommate, Quinn, is making branzino. She's been testing out these, like, new recipes and stuff and tonight is branzino night so, yeah...that was a lot of unnecessary information, sorry," Tara let out an embarrassed laugh as you only looked at her with fondness.

"Don't be, I like hearing your voice," you told her genuinely, now looking down at the piece of paper. Tara looked away as she felt heat rush to her cheeks. She looked back at you as she wore a bright smile.

"Oh, and it's apartment twenty sixteen...I didn't write that part down—I don't know why I didn't," she said, growing a bit flustered.

"I'll remember it," you told her, looking up from the paper and at her.

"Okay..." Suddenly she could hear her name being called from a few feet away. She looked over to see Chad, Mindy and Anika, waving at her. She waved back before looking back at you.

"I gotta go but, uh, twenty sixteen!" She called out as she walked over to her friends.

You responded by tapping your temple with your index finger, looking at her for a couple more seconds before you continued reading.

Tara was sitting on her bed, looking at her laptop when she heard soft knocks on her window. She looks up from her laptop to find you on her fire escape. A smile grazes her face as she puts down her laptop and goes to her window to open it.

"Hi," she greeted after sliding the window up. You reply with a loving grin and Tara can't help but giggle. "How did you get out there?"

"Uh, fire escape. Your doorman's intimidating," you responded as you came inside the room.

"It's twenty stories."

You looked at her for a couple seconds before saying, "Yeah.."

You were now fully in her room, standing in front of her. You looked around and wore a smile; the room felt like Tara. "So this is your room?"

"Yes, this is my room," Tara answered, looking at you as your eyes wandered the room.

"Of's yours," you add, pulling a laugh from the younger Carpenter.

"Oh hey, uh, I got your sister, uh, these," you told her as you took off your backpack and took out a bouquet of flowers. Well...if they even still qualify as such.

Tara saw you take out the damaged bouquet; the flowers were bent, each one going in different directions, and pedals were clearly missing. But you somehow still made them beautiful to her.

"Oh—oh lovely."

"Yeah, they're beautiful right?"

"They're beautiful."

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