Repeated Mistakes |2|

235 7 2

Warning(s): Swearing, police!Sam, & spidey level violence


"So if you need a hero, just look in the mirror~" You quietly sang between bites of the sandwich Tara packed for you. You were currently on a rooftop with your feet swinging off the edge and mask half up as you ate.

You continued to hum along to the song that was playing in your head when you heard your phone ring. You turned it over to see Tara calling you.

"Hey, what's up?"

"You need to come right now," a loud crash could be heard in the background, "It's Dr. Connors—shit!"

"Tara? Tara!" The phone cut out and before you knew what you were doing, you dropped everything and started swinging to Blackmore.

When you got there you could see The Lizard through one of the windows as he shredded the place to pieces. He was in the middle of clawing up the wall when you snuck up on him.

"Ugh, we have to stop meeting like this," you leaned up against the wall on the opposite side, arms crossed.

"Spider-Woman..." The reptile snarled.

"Dr. Connors! How've you been buddy? You know...since we squared up in the sewers?"

He didn't respond verbally; he swung his large tail at you and you jumped up to the ceiling, dodging it. He didn't relent, continuously attempting to grab and claw at you. You were able to land a few punches to his face but not before he lunged at you, landing the both of you in the college's lab.

He now laid on top of you with one arm raised, ready to claw out your eyes. "Your breath is horrible by the way," you remark before webbing his eyes, using that distraction to slip free.

You both wrestled with each other, causing an even greater mess. You were on his back, holding onto him by your webs as he tried to get you off. Suddenly, he rams his backside—you—into the wall and it feels like the wind just got knocked out of you.

He looks over to the filled beakers and combines its contents, throwing them at you as it explodes. It looks like it took you out but suddenly you emerge from behind him, putting him in a headlock.

"Why can't you be a normal lizard," you grunt as you do this.

He throws you to the ground, slamming his fist down with a great force. You quickly move your head before it could get squashed from the giant lizard's hand. You leap up, quickly dusting yourself off and your fight with The Lizard continues.

You're able to get him out in the halls, trying to control his movement with your webbing. "Can't we just talk this out? You're not thinkin' straight doc!" You shout as he tries to rip off your webbing. He takes another swing at you, and you leap up to the ceiling.

You swung and crawled around the ceiling as he tried to forcefully tear you down. You grab a light but it falls, causing you to drop to the ground and Connors leaps at you but the light from before falls on his head.

By the time he's up, you're ahead of him, webbing his hand to the locker but unfortunately giving him a weapon as you see him ripping off the locker door you webbed him to, raising it in the air and ready to swing.

"Oh boy."

You leap backwards with each swing he took then slid between his legs using a web. He turns around to see you squatting.

"Alright so you don't wanna talk?" As the reptile responded with a growl you cut him off by webbing his mouth. "There you go!"

He ripped off the webbing and swung around his tail. You held onto it... What a mistake.

After the Storm - T.C x FEM SPIDEY!RWhere stories live. Discover now