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Jayson's pov

Turns out, we had the same first period but not in the same classes.

"Good morning everyone, I'm Professor Everett Hodgkin, and I'll be your spells and magic teacher for this semester." Our teacher who was an old man in his early fifties introduced and everyone clapped in response.

He had navy blue hair peppered with grey which was placed nicely, Orange eyes which screamed 'wisdom' in them...

"So, we're going to be starting on the basics; levitation, illumination, illusion and invisibility. But firstly, we're gonna be working on your glow."

'Glow?' I asked and Parker shrugged.

He took a basket and walked to the first seat which was mine. He placed a feather on my desk and walked away doing the same for others.

"I'm giving each of you a feather, you'll watch what I do and try it, don't be discouraged if nothing happens at first, just remember you have a long semester to go." He explained walking back to his desk. "I know most of you may think only witches, wizards, warlocks what ever you call us nowadays, you believe only we can cast spells, well, you're wrong. We all have magic within us. All you need to do is to concentrate on the object, say this word in your heads and..." he said moving his hand which glowed bright orange and the feather in front of him began to float making the class erupt with applause. "While humans have blood flowing through their veins, we have magic... well, blood and magic, it's our life source, without it there would be no supernaturals, no gods, nothing, our whole species would seize to exist."

A boy raised his hand up in attempt to ask a question.

"Yes? You're name please"

"Hi" he chuckled nervously displaying alittle of his sliver braces. "I'm Henry Gage...", He adjusted his glasses, "well, it is said that there is a power core of all our magic, is it true that once it is destroyed there won't be any magic left in the world and we supernaturals would be as useless as mere humans?" He asked in excitement and I chocked on nothing at his choice of word.

'Mere humans? What does he mean by "mere humans"? And did he just say "useless"?' I fumed.

'At least he didn't giggle in the end of his "speech".'

"I can believe you actually believe in that Crap." A voice said blankly from the other end of the class. I looking around and found him flipping through a book lazily. "What are you? Five?" He looked half way up revealing his forest green eyes which was slightly hooded by his brown messy curly hair.

The class busted out laughing making poor Henry's smile droop noticeably and that did it.

I may not like this dude of a Henry, but that doesn't mean I won't say anything.

"That's enough!" Professor Everett warned.

"Get a life" I mumbled.

"Like yours? Yeah, I'll pass," the guy scoffed while flipping another page in boredom and the class Uuued.

"Jealousy is a disease bro, I hope you get well soon." I sighed dramatically and the class Uuued once more.

"That's enough you two!"

"Me jealous of you? Bless your delusional heart" he cooed finally looking at me.

"I said that's enough!" Professor Everett warned silencing us. "Mr Diávolos apologize this instant"

"But..." he tried to protest.

"Now" he said leaving no room for argument.

"Fine, I'm sorry" he mumbled with a scoff.

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