-Chapter 2

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Sorry if there are alot of mistakes
♡~none one pov~♡
Shinobu and mitsuri were just walking to there destination, and then they both realized they came to early, and needed to wait when night time comes. So they planned in staying at a hotel for a bit, and then leaves when it turns night. They both agreed and went to a nearby hotel,

~mitsuri : look where here Shinobu!

~Shinobu : yeah

~ random : greetings!

~mitsuri : I would like to two rooms please.

~random : ah okay.

( time skip because I'm lazy)

~Shinobu : mitsuri at night we will meet by the front door of the hotel okay?

~Mitsuri : yah.

*in the room of Shinobu's*

~Shinobu: I better make more poisons *after making the poisons* I'm kinda exhausted I'm gonna take a nap.

~Mitsuri : *eating Sakura mochi* hmm very delicious ah I'm kinda tired I'm going to take a nap for a bit.

( time skip again!)

~Shinobu: where's mitsuri?

~Mitsuri: Ah Shinobu I'm kinda late let's go!

~Shinobu : yeah don't mind it, let's just go.

(Omg again a time skip they killed the demon and went home I'm very lazy btw!)

~Shinobu : I'm home!

~Aoi : welcome back Shinobu Sama, water pillar is injured can you treat him?

~Shinobu: ....where is he?

~Aoi : there *points*

~Shinobu: okay bye.

~Aoi : bye Shinobu sama.

Giyushino will begin! I hope you like it and slow updates (229 words)

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