-Chapter 4

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Sorry for not updating 😅 [I'm kinda busy)


~Shinobu : *wakes up* " what time is it?" *checks the time* oh. Well I better get going

~Aoi : good morning shinobu-Sama, how was your sleep?

~Shinobu: " good morning aoi, my sleep was perfectly fine

~Aoi : great to hear! I made breakfast, it's on the table. Hope you enjoy bye!

~Shinobu : thank you aoi I appreciate it <3

~Aoi : anytime!

♡~No one pov~♡
While shinobu was eating she keept thinking about giyuu, she just couldn't get rid of him. She thought and then realized. She had fallen for him.

~Shinobu mind : did I really fall for him, he's just a loner? No!? I'm wrong I have fallen for him I like h-No I love him, do I confess to him what if he reject me that would be embarrassing I could ask mitsuri for help and promise her not to tell to someone and give her Sakura mochi? ( I have to wait)

♡~None one pov~♡
Shinobu was done eating and she didn't have a mission or a meeting she just layed down on bed and relaxed and then remembered kanae and that demon who killed her beloved sister

~Shinobu: ugh I hate that demon I want to kill him-!!

*btw Shinobu is drinking poison*

~Shinobu mind : but what if I told giyu that I lik-love him and he also love me but I need to kill that demon he can not know what I'm planning.


(I hope you enjoyed and sorry if there are any mistakes and have a great day or night bye!!!]

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