-Chapter 5

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[Hello everyone i hope you enjoy this chapter😄]

Shinobu : I think I need some advice from mitsuri. I'm clearly confused on how to tell tomioka that I like him, just need to trust the progress.

Shinobu was then getting ready and that, and then went to mitsuri house, and knocked on the door. Then mitsuri opened the door.

Mitsuri :ah Hello there Shinobu is something wrong?

Shinobu : oh its nothing mitsuri, I'm just here to tell you something.

Mitsuri : oh okay come in, feel at home.

Shinobu then goes in the house, and mitsuri then closed the door, and they both sat on the couch.

Mitsuri : please wait a sec Shinobu, I will prepare some tea so you can relax a bit.

Shinobu: thank you mitsuri I appreciate it very much.

Mitsuri: anytime bestie! (Leaves)

Shinobu's mind : what do I do, how can I tell her that I like him? Maybe she will tell to someone else, wait no she won't right, she's my bestie, she won't do that I know her.

Shinobu kept thinking and thinking then, mitsuri came but she didn't realize and kept on thinking, mitsuri then called out Shinobu name to get her attention.

Mitsuri: SHINOBU!?

Shinobu: ah uh?

Mitsuri : oh um are you good, you didn't hear me when I called out your name many times?

Shinobu : my bad.

Mitsuri : don't worry about it, so uh here's the tea, yeah when your done drinking tea you can tell.

Shinobu: okay thank you btw.

Mitsuri: you're very welcomed.

(After drinking tea)


Shinobu: so uh mitsuri.

Mitsuri : yeah?

Shinobu: your the lover Pilar and that?

Mitsuri: I am.

Shinobu: ....iliketomiokaandidontknowifhelikesmeback and i-

Mitsuri : Shinobu calm down, please slow down.

Shinobu: i-i -l-l-like t-t-tomioka s-sa-n.

Mitsuri : you-

Shinobu: I like tomioka San.

Mitsuri : ....

Shinobu's mind : wha-


Shinobu: please calm down, don't tell anyone. Please?

Mitsuri: okay docky!!

Shinobu: promise?

Mitsuri: promise!

Shinobu: now please give me some advices?

Mitsuri: Kya you asked the right person for this sort situation!!

Shinobu: hah...

(Then Mitsuri told some love advices to shinobu.)

I hope you enjoyed this part i tried to make it longer and that but eh okay goodnight <3

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