please read/end

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Hey guys um so if your reading this, I will not continue this story anymore because almost nobody is giving ideas and yeah I also have no ideas I also have alot of giyushino storys in mind but I don't want to keep updating it non stop also for the shinobu yandare I have some ideas but not alot but this story I seriously don't have one idea I have made kinda alot of storys but didn't work out so yeah this story will not continue.. thank you for reading this story and message, I mean the story goal was to make giyu and shinobu fall inlove with each other so it's kinda the end everything is finished and yes I was supposed to make more parts but didn't work out that much... but our second chance to fall inlove is gonna continue I'm just thinking for some ideas... I seriously hoped you enjoyed this story and also this was my very very first story I have created and now it has to end.. it may continue but I actually won't anymore.. I'm so sorry I hope you can understandand have a great day or night or evening bye everyone <3

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