Ch. 4 ✨Christmas Party✨

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*Two Weeks Later*
*Y/N's POV*

"Surprise, I'm here!" I open the door to my old childhood house I grew up in, and I'm hit with the smell of goose, mashed potatoes, and pies.

I take a deep breath in, already my mouth is drooling.
Mom's baked pies are to die for...literally.

"Y/N!" My aged mother runs up to me, kissing and hugging me tight before she moves aside for dad to do the same.
Slowly, there age is beginning to show, but underneath it all, I still see the young, youthful people my parents are.

"I'm so glad you made it! Come warm by the fire!" mom ushers me to the fireplace as she takes my coat off. "Will fetch her a drink!"

"Its okay, you don't have to dad," I mumble and wink to him, before a group of knee high kids run up and grab my legs.

"Y/N! Y/N Y/N!"

"Boys!" my cousin Marie runs into the room, taking there hands and pulling them away, "give Y/N a moment to breathe!" only cousin I've felt the closet too.
She out of my parents, knows about my dreams. 
Reasons why I've told her, is because she's always been a fan of such things. She adores palm reading, healing crystals, tarot reading...I figured perhaps she knew something about my dreams.

Though no such luck had occurred, but she was understanding to say the least.

"Hi Marie," I smile at her.
She smiles at me and hugs me, "hey Y/N," she pulls away, the look of sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry what happened between you and Jason."

I flinch. Of course my mother told everyone.
That is JUST like her to do so. No doubt, I love you mom, but seriously you need to learn about letting people tell there own business.

I try to smile again. "Yeah, its okay," I whisper, before the little kids run up to me, asking what did I bring them.
I chuckle, and point into the living room. "They're all on the table. Go check them out!"

They run excitedly into the living room, and a desperate Marie runs after them.
I shake my head softly, before turning to look into the fire.

I always thought that by now—twenty-six—I would've been married, living in a nice home, with one or two little babies, my husband entertaining our Christmas guests while I prepared dinner...

Guess I was way off.

Dad approaches me, hand on my shoulder. "How are you sugarplum?"
I look at him and smile a little. "I'm doing alright. How about you?"

"Pretty good," he shrugs, before looking into the fire as well. "You could've told us sooner...about you and Jason."

"I didn't want you guys to worry," I respond, inhaling a breath. "It's all settled now. And I'm...doing better."

"Still, no man should ever treat my little girl like that," dad mutters with a slight growl.
I giggle at his over protectiveness as I gently slide his hand off my shoulder. "I'm a grown up now dad, I can handle things."

"You're still my little girl to me," he hugs me, kissing my forehead softly before brushing aside some of my hair and taking his leave to help Mom set the dinner table.

I smile softly, exhaling another breath as I turn to face the fireplace.


Late into the night, after dinner was eaten, games were played and songs were sung, I snuck out onto the back deck for a breath of fresh, cold, winter air.

The wine glass in my hand is almost empty, and I tip it up to swallow my last little bits of wine before a voice behind me makes me jump a little.

"Hey Y/N, mind if I join you?"

I look behind me to see Marie, and I nod.
She sits, exhaling a breath as she sinks forward, our eyes staring into the dark woods of the backyard.

The silence is nice...just a blow of wind, and the sound of departing guests in the house...
I smile a little.

Marie looks at me. "If you don't mind me are you and your...dreams?"
The question makes my insides twist, but I calm myself by squeezing my hand.

"Still the same," I mutter, looking behind me to see if we're alone.
I don't want anyone else to hear this...

"Its just so strange..." I begin to say, "they never change. He's always standing there. And I'm at the point that maybe they aren't dreams."

"Hmm," Marie says, "well, how do they go exactly?"

I pause, thinking about it, and how to word it all without sounding...too crazy.

"I'm always in this dark forest," I begin to say, "and when I enter this clearing, I see him standing there. He always looks over his shoulder and smiles at me, and we just talk...we always talk."


"And the weird part about it is," I swallow the lump in my throat. "He calls himself...Alastor."

"Alastor?" Marie sits up a little straighter, all of a sudden.
I look at her, worried. "Wh-why did you do that?" I ask.

She meets my gaze. "It's nothing's just..." she trails off, swallowing, before continuing.

"Back in the 1920s, there was a man by the name of Alastor who owned a very well known radio station. To his neighbors and complete strangers, he appeared to be a well put together guy. Nice, charming. reality, he was a serial killer. He had killed over ten victims, some being tortured before death. And all there bodies were discovered in the same area he would hunt for deer."

My eyes widen, as my mouth goes completely dry.
"H-how did they catch him?" I ask, fear flooding my veins.

"It's a little unclear," Marie scratches the back of her neck, "but rumor is that in 1933, the police stormed his house to arrest him, but as Alastor fled, they released dogs to track him down. He was...caught by the dogs and...shot in the head."

Oh shit...
By now, I'm completely shaken up, and Marie sees it.

"It-it's just a true crime story is all!" she tries to assure me, "it doesn't have anything to do with your dreams."

And if it does? What if the ghost of this fucking serial killer is haunting me?
I look to Marie. "Do you know anybody who can help me?"

She furrows her brow. "How so?"
"Like...people who can talk to spirits. Mediums!"

"Oh, well," she digs around in her purse, pulling out a card. "You can see this one. She's not far, and she's got really good reviews. You should see her tomorrow. But Y/N, I can assure you this story has nothing to do with your dreams."

I clutch the card in my hand which is shaking slightly.

If this man in my dreams is this man in the story Marie just told me...

Then I'm in worst shit then I ever thought.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now