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(A/N, yes the story is complete, but I wanted to write one more chapter. A special bonus chapter)

*Eighteen Year Old Y/N*
*Y/N's POV*

"Are you excited for tomorrow night honey?" Mom asks, coming into my room while I hold my prom dress against my chest, admiring every stitch.

I nod excitedly. "Yes!" I set it down on my bed, "mom this is gonna be so much fun!"

At first, I was expecting to just go to prom by myself, but at the last minute, a guy named Jason asked me to go with him. He's pretty popular at school, plus most girls like him cause he's cute, so I decided to accept his offer, cause even I myself think he's cute too.

Mom smiles softly, putting her arm around me and giving me a hug. "You have everything you need, right?"

I nod.

"Shoes, makeup, hairstyle, everything is decided?"

"Yes mom," I laugh softly, "Jason said he'd pick me up at 6 PM tomorrow so that we can get a bite to eat before prom starts." I exhale a nervous breath. Oh boy I'm nervous...I've never been on a date with a boy before. Especially with someone as cute as Jason...

I hope I don't do something stupid to scare him away.

Mom chuckles, before messing with my hair. "Get some sleep hun, so that tomorrow can come faster. Night love."

"Night mom," I smile at her as she walks to my door and shutting it behind her softly.
Silence fills the air, the only sound a blow of wind outside my room.

I glance up at my ceiling where paper shaped animals hang, spinning in a slow circle while a light reflects a universe with the stars and planets on my ceiling and walls.

The clock on my nightstand says 9:00 at night, and I'm already dressed in my PJs. I was gonna stay up for a while, due to the sheer excitement I feel, but Mom is right.

The sooner I fall asleep, the sooner tomorrow comes.

Instinct has me go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair for a few minutes, and I reach up to open the medicine cabinet, the bottle of white pills staring at me, titled Y/N's dream pills.

I stop halfway reaching, slowly pulling my hand away towards my chest.
I haven't told Mom about my dreams in a few days...she always worries the most out of all of us.

Dad says it's just my over active imagination, and that's what the doctors call it too, but still, Mom likes to think that there's something else behind my dreams.

She demands I take them every night, but sometimes I pretend I take them and hide them in my drawers like I did night before last.
Tonight though...I should take them, but something inside me tells me not too.

So I go back to my room and crawl into my bed, lifting the blanket up to my chin and listening to the slight tick and tock of my clock beside me.

Seeing him might help with my excitement of Prom.
Besides, he's only a figment of my imagination. My imaginary friend.

I want to talk to my imaginary friend tonight.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now