{I} - Goodbye for Now

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After playing some sort of weird game with one of Killua's butlers everyone hugged him out of joy.

"What took you guys so long.." Killua was very annoyed and everyone in the room could all tell he just wanted to leave.

"It was nothing much, we just wanted to play a game. But we should get going now before it gets any darker" Gon states.

Leaving the Zoldyck estate y/n was thinking really hard. She wasn't prepared for what was coming soon and was scared of losing her friends. Sure, they weren't her only friends, but they stuck to her like glue.

I'm not sure what to do right now.Gon and Killua will be sticking together, Leorio will be studying, and Kurapika will find the Phantom Troupe. But, what will I do?  It would be a great idea to stick with Gon and Killua because they'll be training together. But I really don't want to seem so lonely..

"y/n?" She quickly snapped out of her thoughts.

"What is it Gon?" 

"Do you plan on doing anything? Me and Killua are going to be training together! I'm kind of hoping that you'll tag along!!" He was really excited asking such a question. Hesitatingly she answered his question.

"I'm...not so sure...It does sound like a really great idea, but i don't want to be a bother. I know all of you have your stuff planned and i don't want to interfere in anything.."

"But you're not interfering anything y/n! Me and Killua don't mind you joining us, right?" Gon gave Killua the most enthusiastic look hoping for a yes.

"uhh yea, we really don't mind, it's your choice and i don't really care what you choose" Leorio lets y/n know he agrees with what Killua has said

"Unfortunately for you you can't be coming with me." Everyone turned their heads towards Kurapika, who has spoken.

"I am on a mission the capture the Phantom Troupe and kill every single one of them. As you all know of course. Bringing you or anyone with me will be dangerous, and i can't do that to any of you guys. Especially y/n.." He looked at you with a small but sweet smile. You knew it wasn't out of happiness but reassurance. 

His response was totally predictable. But he does have a point..I just wish I could spend all of my time with my friends, but they're all so busy. Who knows when we'll be together again and forgetting about our worries and just enjoy each other's presence

"Um yea, I understand Kurapika...But i think i'll just explore some cities or train myself like all of you plan." Everyone looked at each other, the tension in the air wasn't awkward but it was quiet and quite gloomy.

"So that settles it then, let's meet in Yorknew City on September 1st." Kurapika said breaking the silence. Everyone nods their heads and says their goodbyes.

I just wish i was able to spend more time with everyone one last time..

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