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[ content warning: suicide ]

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BELLAMY EXPLODED INTO A FULL FLEDGED SPRINT, WITH HAVEN SOARING CLOSE BEHIND HIM. There was no time for subtlety, all sense of caution abandoned as they bounded across the terrain that separated them from the girl. In one fluid motion, Bellamy wrapped his arms around Charlotte's waist and lugged her out of sight.

"Shh–shh–shh." Bellamy whispered, clamping his hand over Charlotte's mouth as she unrelentingly thrashed in his grip. Upon realizing it was him, she ceased, prompting Bellamy to drop his hand. "Look! It's just me."

        To the pair's horror–Charlotte only shrieked louder.


        "What are you doing?" Bellamy hissed, the concern in his tone gradually morphing into impatience. He was entirely beside himself, lips parted in dreadful disbelief as Charlotte writhed beneath his hands, desperate to be set free. "Charlotte, stop! Now!"

"CHARLOTTE! You can't hide forever!" Murphy's blood thirsty shouts sliced through the twilight, echoing high amongst the tree tops as their wrestling persisted. "Don't worry! We won't hurt you!"

       Panic coiled in Haven's stomach, her fingers twitching miserably against Bellamy's back as she ushered them out of their less-than-ideal hiding spot. Judging by the proximity of Murphy's voice, it was painfully evident that he was gaining on them; his shouts were the closest she'd heard him since they ventured into the forest to begin with. If Charlotte kept up screaming like a goddamn banshee, he'd find them in a matter of minutes. 

They needed to find better coverage–now.

"Let me go!" Charlotte whined, compelled against every ounce of her will to follow Bellamy as he dragged her into step beside them.

"I'm trying–hey!" The urgency in Bellamy's voice mirrored the rapid beat of his heart as Charlotte nearly escaped his grasp. He spun, snatching her by her jacket, eyes widening with dismay as he absorbed the weight of her defiance. "Hey! We're trying to help you!"

        "I'm not your sister!" Charlotte cried, pale eyes matching his stare with a wild intensity of her own. Disheveled strands of blonde hair framed her face as she shook her head. "Just stop helping me!"

THE FREE FALL ⇘  Bellamy Blake. [1]Where stories live. Discover now