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        Three hours had slipped away since the duo set out on their trek toward the supply depot. The warmth of the late afternoon sunshine had dissipated, yielding to an eerie grey sky overhead. Despite the fading light, Haven persisted at the forefront, with Bellamy silently following behind. Occasionally, he would step forward–only to ensure tree branches didn't obstruct Haven's path or graze her face.

        "We're close," Haven answered, assuredly navigating through the winding forest. Sensing Bellamy's doubt, she turned to face him, treading backward to meet his stormy gaze. With a smirk, she gestured toward her thigh. "Don't believe me? Read my thigh."

       Beside himself, Bellamy's eyes couldn't help but wander, tracing the numbers scrawled across Haven's jeans with a delicate curiosity. His gaze lingered on the curve of her hip as it led up to her waist, a momentary distraction from their task. Blinking, he refocused, acknowledging that the coordinates were indeed accurate to their map. Yet, finding the underground depot remained a formidable challenge.

       Especially when she was looking like that.

He couldn't remember the last time he saw Haven this...at ease. Like the very world wasn't falling out from under their feet. The weight of responsibility bore down on Bellamy like a relentless force, each step heavier than the last. Yet, as he observed Haven, he couldn't help but marvel at how she seemed to navigate through it all with such grace. Her movements were fluid and seemingly unhindered by the burdens that plagued him. Perhaps she didn't feel them at all, or maybe she had mastered the art of integrating their responsibilities into her being–allowing her to move through the journey with a lightness that he could only envy.

        Either way, he lost count of the private glances he'd stolen in her direction.

        "Oh, shit."

        Breaking free from his trance-like state, Bellamy snapped back to reality, his senses suddenly alive to their surroundings. They stood atop a rugged ridge, overlooking a clearing that unveiled the remains of ancient Earthen ruins. Partially submerged in murky waters, the dilapidated structures exuded an air of mystery. A swirling mist enveloped the scene, lending it an ethereal quality as it danced across the water's surface and clung to the twisted branches of the surrounding trees, whispering tales of forgotten times.

THE FREE FALL ⇘  Bellamy Blake. [1]Where stories live. Discover now