a million ways

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i love you
let me tell you this every single day
i love you so much
in a million different ways

i'll tell you in words
quiet and soft-spoken
i'll tell you in my poems
loud and unbroken
letters i'll write to you in candlelight
secrets i'll whisper to you throughout the night
i'll tell you you're mine and never let you forget
i'll love you with no problem and no sweat
from the bottom of my soul
i say these words to you
the words in my heart that ring so true

i'll tell you in touch
but not too much
forehead kisses and hugs
with so much care inside it floods
i'll hold you when you are sad
when everything in your life seems so bad
i'll press my forehead to yours in quiet space
trying to silence your thoughts
trying to erase
from the bottom of my soul
i touch you
so maybe you'll see yourself from my view

i'll buy you whatever you need
as long as your heart is mine to keep
we'll dance around in the rain
i'll be with you forever and no day will be the same
i'll help you with anything you want
i won't ask for anything in return
except one thing from which inside i burn

love me in a million different ways
in a million different places
give me everything
and i'll give you everything and more in return

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