discarded art

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i think i was made to be sad

i think my smile lines are frown lines in disguise
i think my voice was made to scream not laugh
and my hands are meant to shake with anxiety
the bouncing of my impatient legs not ever to stop
my rampant thinking was not made to slow
the tears that draw art across the canvas of my face

i think i was made to be sad

it's never about want
you cannot 'want' something into existence
i want to smile
i want laughter not screams
i want my body to stop betraying me
i want my mind to stop racing
the tears to stop painting me

but simply wanting it doesn't make it happen
it does not differentiate what kind of art you are

the artist made me with my wants
and dragged a hand across me
the edges of smile turned downward
my hands and legs smeared together
as if they were in constant movement
then water was thrown
everything began to drip

i faded and dripped away
wondering why i was made to be sad
and then made to be nothing at all

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