Jesus's name

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there was a girl that i once knew
full of passions and pains
she loved dancing in the rain and staring at blood
as it traveled down the drain
the pain protected her
from the sound of the dead girl's giggles
shut her eyes to old photos
refused to see the girl she used to know
the girl wears a face that used to be hers
and a smile that was once hers too

the girls innocent eyes met her permanent glare
the guilt almost too much to bare
so she hid herself in beer bottles
and with lighters that click
she hid herself behind smoke clouds
enough to make her sick
she wrapped herself around boys
the ones who didn't care about anything within
she wrapped herself around boys
the ones who reeked of whiskey and sin
till she herself started to smell of vodka and gin

her tears fell harder and her stomach ached
she looked up toward her ceiling and began to pray
"I'm sorry Lord I don't know what to say"
"I'm sorry Lord please take the pain away"
then that girl drifted off to sleep
she prayed the Lord her soul to keep
and when she woke she felt ashamed
she could feel the Lord lending out his hand
from that moment on she knew his name
the only one that was worthy of her praise

she smells no more of vodka and gin
she simply smells like herself again
that's the girl i know
full of sunshine and rain
that now looks back at that girls picture
and smiles just the same
all because she now knows Jesus's name

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