New powers, Old feelings

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"So this must be the resort I've heard so much about, it's beautiful." Snyder exclaimed while shaking hands with the resort owner: a man by the name of Eric.

"Oh please, the pleasure is all mine sir. You know you said we needed camps to hold down the human population, but using them as food for hungry guests in a party resort with rides in development for the young giants....assuming we can make any." Eric gave Snyder a look, Snyder waved his hand.

"The genetics program has been scrapped, without giantess out in the world besides my daughter, who isn't exactly on our team, it's impossible. I'm focused more on robotics." Snyder remarked, getting a glance from Eric with intrigue.

    "That old project? I thought you said they were unreliable and too short?" Snyder chuckled.
   "Well, true, compared to actual giants they are quite short. I can still only get them to about 96 feet tall before the metal just doesn't sustain the weight. It's a work in progress, but in time they'll fill out our army well to finish off the humans." He said with a grin, Snyder then looked down to see Eric had his fist closed.

   "Something the matter?" Snyder asked.

   "No, I'm just holding a human, actually, do you want it for your trip back?" Eric opened his palm to reveal a middle aged woman in tattered clothing, whimpering as she checked her surroundings.

   Snyder shrugged. "Sure, I could use a snack for my way back." In one motion he grabbed the woman and plucked her right into his mouth before giving an audible swallow.

   "Always hits the spot, thank you Eric.

   "Anytime sir."

Pennsylvania: Ambers pov

  Grace was sleeping when I woke up in the morning. After yesterday I wasn't sure what to expect out of really anyone, it appeared Sarah had lost her good graces with the rest of the group. I was certainly curious to know how Jared was dealing with it all. I decided I might as well head out and look for someone to talk to.

I ran into Franco almost immediately upon exiting the room, he looked me over with a mean glare before coming to attention.

"Doc has requested to see you, as soon as possible." He said in his old stern voice he liked to whip out occasionally, I crossed my arms.

"Why?" I kinda sneered, but honestly, I wasn't exactly looking for Franco when I left my room.

"That's below my pay grade, he says it's urgent so I advise you go." He then crossed his arms behind his back and strolled away. I rolled my eyes, deciding it best to listen, I didn't really want to be on Franco's bad side.

I got to the lower level of the base and found myself in the office Mr. Gerald worked, I honestly didn't ever refer to him as anything but 'doc' though, it was just easier.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked as I took a seat, he turned to me and nodded.

"Yes, indeed. I've been curious about seeing you for awhile now Amber, just haven't had the chance to yet." The comment certainly took me by surprise a little.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well, your brother, Jared. He obviously has superhuman characteristics." He said while scratching his head. I nodded in turn.

"Well I want to take a blood sample from you, you haven't experienced anything that would be considered superhuman?" He looked at me with intent as if he was expecting me to just turn into a buffed maniac on the spot.

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