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"As expected, you have giantess dna in you like Jared. From what you told me as well it would seem that your abilities are starting to come out." Doc said to me, although his eyes were on Sarah mostly. She'd stayed quiet since coming with us, simply observing as I was told I had abilities like my brother. Granted mine were definitely not the same as his.

"As for you, Sarah, your blood continues to change more towards being human. I'd estimate that if that thing isn't taken off you somehow, you'll become fully human and be stuck that way." Sarah looked dismayed hearing the news.

"How long do I have?" She asked.

"I'd say a few weeks at most, you'd better get moving to find Snyder if I were you." Doc replied, I turned to Sarah to see her head in her hands. Part of me was still mad at her for everything that happened yesterday but I also understood her current situation. She was literally becoming something different, something she clearly didn't want to become. Frankly, we all needed her to be a giantess again to give us a fighting chance against Snyder.

I left the office feeling...odd. I had awakened some powers inside me and from what Doc had said, like Jared, I was no longer a regular human. Something more, his exact words were 'superhuman reflexes and agility' it was certainly a lot to take in as I strolled around the base.

   I eventually ran into Jared as I walked, he had his usual look on of seriousness. I don't think he ever really smiled, he was always just looking for a fight. He didn't greet me either as he passed, just kept on marching off towards wherever he was going. I continued walking when all of a sudden I was interrupted from behind.

    "Franco wants us." Wow Jared, way to address me. I groaned and turned around to follow him, eventually landing in Franco's office. Grace was there with Sarah, so basically a full house. I took a seat and observed the room, the tension was palpable between the others and Sarah. It was hard to blame them after yesterday.

"So happy to see you all here again." Franco said with a smile, this dude was a little too happy to see us. Sarah was still in a bad mood from earlier, clearly distracted by the gem stuck in her. Grace was drinking from a blood pack again, so she was basically just being herself. Nobody answered Franco though.

"Enthusiasm everywhere I see, anyway, some troops found a deserted building about 30 miles from here. I want you guys to check it out, make sure it's safe." I rolled my eyes, why the hell were we needed for this? I glanced across the room and saw many similar expressions. Personally I felt overqualified for this mission.

   "Truly guys, loving the energy right now. Anyway you guys will be heading out in 20. Watch out for giants, there were a few sighted on the way there." Well I suppose that was something, I groaned and walked out, Grace followed me. She didn't seem too amused by this either but we didn't have a choice.

We got to our room and I changed while Grace decided to shower. Before long we were both as ready as we could be. We headed out towards the elevator that would take us up, to my surprise we were the last ones to arrive. Jared scoffed upon seeing us and Sarah just lowered her gaze.

    We'd been given instructions on just where to go and we were given a truck, Sarah was not fond of having to ride seeing that usually she could walk that distance in a few minutes.

   Jared drove even though I'm pretty sure he didn't have a license, did that still matter these days? Well a few nicked trees certainly helped me reach an answer. Grace was surprisingly quiet most of the ride, just occasionally drinking a couple blood packs she brought with her, it was kinda cute watching her try to drink so politely. She actually got embarrassed when blood inevitably got on her lips.

Friends in high places: Retribution Where stories live. Discover now