A False King

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"Well Jared, I see you've been kept busy with this." Franco chuckled upon laying his eyes on Sarah, still unconscious. I grunted at him as I turned my attention to the sleeping giantess, she was fully grown now and I noticed her hand had healed up from earlier. Who knew what she would be like whenever she woke up though.

"Sir, we found the gem in her room, in case you wanted to look at it." I heard a soldier say, I didn't pay much mind until I heard Franco's response.

"Give it to Doc, just in case we ever need it again. He might be able to make it less deadly while he's at it." I scrunched my nose at that and immediately turned around to confront him.

   "Why aren't you destroying that thing?" I grunted, to which Franco merely chuckled.

   "Well I think it's obvious, it's valuable and could be used to subdue future threats."
   I narrowed my gaze.

   "Sarah is not a threat." I retorted.

  "She isn't exactly who I was thinking about, either way it's not your business to be in." Franco matched my tone and with that left me to tend to Sarah whenever she awoke, I didn't like it, any of it. I was weary of Franco before but why on earth would he keep the only thing in the world that could actually shrink a giant unless he planned on using it again.

"Jared....oh my god! What..what happened?" It was Amber, I'm guessing word had reached most people of the event outside. Sarah being back would of course draw attention.

"Hey sis, what brings you?" I asked while rubbing the back of my head. She pointed to the over two hundred foot tall Sarah passed out behind me.

  "Well because I heard what happened, she's grown again, is she going to be ok though?" Amber finished with a slight frown. I didn't know exactly how to respond, it had been almost a full hour since she passed out here and she wasn't even stirring yet. I imagined she would be ok but I wasn't certain, I didn't want to concern my sister with it now though.

   "Yea, she'll be fine, just was a painful transition but she'll wake up soon I'm sure." Amber nodded slowly, taking one last look at Sarah before turning back around to the cabin. If she knew that likely meant Grace knew as well seeing that they couldn't seem to get off each other.

Then I felt shaking.

I turned to see Sarah struggling to get up and the commotion caused Amber to stop and look back at her. Sarah wasn't saying anything as she seemed to regain her bearings, but when I saw her eyes finally I knew something was off. They were completely bloodshot and when she saw us she roared.

"Uh Jared, what's going on?" I heard Amber stammer from behind me.

"I don't know, just get back inside before.." I was cut off by a giant hand grabbing me and Amber up in one go before we were both staring down the open mouth of Sarah, who seemed completely out of control.

  "Sarah! Sarah! Stop, please! It's us." I screamed as she was about to drop us into her mouth. I heard a grumble and then she shut her mouth and I was facing her now, she relaxed her grip on us too.

  "Oh my god...I.. I am so sorry, I was so dazed when I woke up...I nearly ate you." She put her other hand over her mouth, I attempted to make light of the situation.

   "Well it wouldn't be the first time." I chuckled but she wasn't having it.

  "Those were different, I was actually going to like...really eat you, I can't believe myself." She put her head down in shame.

  That's when I felt Amber brush past me, I'd nearly forgotten she was even here. Her face was one of pure terror which I couldn't necessarily blame her for, Sarah was acting out of character for a moment.

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