Battle Scars

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We sat in silence, there was nothing to say. Everyone was there and everyone had seen it, nothing could change what happened.

Sarah was passed out on a couch as the lone doctor took her blood sample, I stared at him as he poked her with the needle, observing every move.

   "How's it look?" I asked as I crossed my arms, keeping my eyes on the man as he sighed.

    "Well whatever Synder put in her clearly caused this. It's astonishing though, she hasn't just lost her height. Her's..changing, becoming more human." He rubbed his forehead and fidgeted his glasses. I turned my attention to Sarah, she looked so weak. Like her life was being drained by the gem stuck in her hand, feeling that there was nothing I could do, I stood up and left the doctor and Sarah.

Ambers pov

"I can't believe I couldn't do anything! I should have stepped in, helped her fight him!"

I had been listening to Grace beat herself up over what had happened to Sarah since we came back inside. Her eyes were bright and she'd gone through about four blood packets since we arrived, she was far from her normal self.

   Grace paced back and forth across the room as I tried to keep my gaze averted lest she try to attack me in her current state. I didn't really know what to add, what could I? We all watched Sarah, our most powerful ally fall in minutes to Snyder and be shrunk down to human size. Our best if not only chance to fight Snyder was gone, potentially forever.

   "He didn't even look fazed...ughhhh! I could rip the door off it's hinges right now!" Grace shot her attention towards me and hissed in my direction. I was taken aback. Was that supposed to be at me? I met her gaze she saw the slightest hint of fear in my eyes and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I'm just really upset right now." Her demeanor didn't shift much as she said this, making me believe that whatever the giants had pumped into her veins was probably In control.

"Grace, there's nothing much you could have done. You saw what he did to Sarah and Jared, hell, even my mom. He's just simply on a different level, you would have just gotten yourself hurt or killed." My attempts did not alleviate Grace, who continued to pace in frustration as I was forced to give up and just try to catch some sleep.

    I woke up some time later to see Grace sitting on the side of my bed, head in her hands. Peering off into space, she must've noticed my heart rate increase because she instantly turned to me and gave me a sad look.

   "We've lost haven't we? Sarah's out of commission and none of us can exactly match Snyder's size." I watched as a tear made its way down her cheek, then another, before long she was crying on my shoulder as I attempted to reassure her the best I could. I wasn't even sure if I even believed half the things I said but anything to try to keep Grace at least a little happy was worth it.

   I sat there for about ten minutes as she held me firm and cried, I had to stay tough for her. Then we were interrupted by Franco.

    "Sarah's awake, you guys should come down to the med bay." His tone was stern and pretty much immediately we got ourselves together and headed down.

    Jared, mom and Franco were already there when we arrived, with Sarah barely managing to sit up in a chair. She still had the pink gem in her hand, still emitting small charges of electricity.

    "I'm glad you could make it." Her voice was raspy, I looked down to try to avoid having to see her in this state. She looked so frail, so small, so...human.

   "I need to tell you guys something, something I haven't been completely upfront with you about."

   "What? That Snyder's your fucking father!?" Jared roared and Sarah lowered her gaze.

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