Blood, Dinner and Pride

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The time had come, Grace had gotten herself all dolled up as she sported a sleeveless black dress that flowed down to her knee. Her face was brought to life with what little makeup she had, with a nice coat of foundation and a glistening red blush. Her lipstick matching the color of her favorite meal: blood.

   I was astonished by her attire as she strutted into the empty cafeteria with Red heels she likely borrowed from my mom, she had some crescent moon earrings to top off the look.

   To say I felt outdone would be an insult to the word, Grace knew what this was and wasn't even pretending to fain ignorance, I did sometimes forget she was smart. She knew this was a date and dressed for one, me personally, I got butterflies upon her arrival. I didn't see her change and had made my way down here before she did so I had no clue what she planning to do.

  "You look...lovely Grace, you did a really good job on your makeup." I complimented and Grace gasped.

   "Oh no! Did I over dress?" She squealed, staring me up and down, seeing that I hadn't changed since earlier I looked quite bumish.

   I waved my hand. "No, you're fine, I under dressed actually." I gave a light chuckle and that seemed to calm her down, she sat across from me and scanned around the dark room, the only light being the candle between us.

"My parents helped me pick out the outfit, I uh...hope you like it." She turned her cheek and I smiled, she was so innocent, before I could respond though, I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned to see a cook behind me.

"We were informed you two would be here, Franco sends his wishes, we have a nice steak dinner for you." I nearly choked.

"Franco...knows?" I stammered and the cook's eyes widened as he tried to find a response.

"Well, seeing that we are giving you two a service well past hours..he kind of had to know." He shrugged. I shook my head, it was whatever, I had someone else to focus on.

  "Will you be ok Grace? I know how you are with food." I asked, looking at her curiously, her red eyes again avoided mine as she answered with a smile.

  "I'll be more than ok, I'll just have my steak raw." She glanced up at our I guess waiter and I turned to him to see him with wide eyes at her request. He composed himself and nodded.

  "I will bring to you raw then, miss." Something about that sounded wrong but I didn't say anything about it. I asked for mine to be medium rare and with that he was gone to the kitchen. Now it was just Grace and I and I was at a loss for words.

   "Your heart rate is really high, are you nervous? Oh I hope you're not, is it my eyes? Oh no.." my mouth was left agape as she finished, again with the heart comment, it was whatever.

   "No it's not your eyes, it's just..." I sighed, she looked so adorable and here I was, knowing she liked me and understanding my own feelings for her, not knowing how to even talk to her now. It was embarrassing, was this what I was supposed to feel? Unlike Grace I didn't know how nervous she was.

   "It's just..what?" She asked, she perked up at something she must've heard before returning her attention towards me.

   "Is it because I'm a monster? Oh is because I'm a monster aren't I...oh no." I cut her off.

   "Grace your not a monster, you're an amazing person, you're beautiful, you've made this hell a little easier to endure." I started to tear up.

  "Without you I don't even know if I'd have the strength to fight on in this world, you gave me something I thought I'd never have again...hope. Grace...I've never felt for anyone the way I feel for you, you are everything but a monster Grace." I was full on crying now and I could see how taken aback she was by my monologue, I had no idea what she would say but I don't think I was ready for anything she could have said.

  But she didn't say anything.

  She stood up, walked around to me and in a moment, she was hugging me. I broke down as she embraced me, everything I've been through during this past near year, all the pain...was for her.

   "My mommy and your mommy told me that you were like me, but I need to confirm, you are asexual right?" I met her gaze and raised a brow.

   "I don't exactly hide it." I responded and immediately I felt my body getting squeezed harder.

   "Oh please please please Amber, I like you a lot, please go out with me!" She squealed. Well, that was certainly one way to ask someone out. I pulled away from her grasp and looked right at her eyes.

   "Grace...I'd love to." I smiled and with that I heard the cook from earlier, coming out with our food. Grace sat down and smiled wide as he served us.

   "Enjoy your dinner girls." He said before going away.

  "Oh I think we will very much." Grace beamed.

  All I did was nod.

South Carolina

  "Thank you sir, these damn humans have been trying hard to break through our defenses ever since they landed." A giant in uniform stated, looking over the battlefield that was now filled with dead bodies. Next to him stood Snyder.

  "I've mentioned that this little war the humans have tried waging is pointless. These new toys they have are nothing to me. I have just one priority to take care of." He said and the giant looked at him curiously.

   "Is this your daughter again?" He asked, Snyder nodded.

  "I'm going to take care of her, the vampire and then I'll focus on fixing the problems my clearly incompetent generals." He glared at the giant, who backed away.

   "Luckily for you, I'm unstoppable, gods gift to save this planet from horrors that humans couldn't even imagine. When I'm done, they'll understand." With that he turned and walked off, heading back toward Pennsylvania.

Jared's pov

"Jesus Christ this hurts! Jared, what the hell is going on!?" Sarah cried in agony, that damn gem was frying her hand now. She was holding her hand as I could see the steam rising from her hand. I wasn't sure what I could do to even help, it honestly looked like the gem was about to explode.

   "Should I go get Doc? He might be able to.."

  "Ahhhh!" I heard Sarah scream, rolling around on her bed in pain, blood starting flowing from her hand as the gem continued to go completely haywire.

  Then it happened, a loud snap.

  The gem dropped to the floor, blood soaked. I looked up to see Sarah pass out, but there was a problem. She was starting to grow again, I had to get her outside and fast before the effects completely wore off.

   I was able to carry her pretty easily but each few seconds she began to grow more, by the time I reached the elevator to go up she was over 12 feet tall and getting heavier. She seemed to be growing faster and the elevator could hardly hold her size. We managed to reach the top and I ran as fast as I could to get her outside. Just making it.

  By the time I dropped her my arms felt like jello and she was pushing 30 feet by now, she hadn't woken up yet either and I still needed to alert everyone what had happened.

   We had our big gun back.

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