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"Owen! Tess! My nephews are still out in the gyrospheres. We closed them to contain the Indominus, but they didn't listen, and they're not showing on the grid I need your hel-"

"Claire," Owen gripped her shoulders. "Calm down."

I was standing there, in a sort of panic. Holy shit Sam was on the gyros, she had to be safe... but she was with a boy. Oh god.

"We need to get my nephews. Gray is like, this tall." she gestured. "and Zach is-"

"Wait, did you say Zach?" she nodded, tears in her eyes. Oh god, Sam was with them.

"Was there a girl with them?" I felt a knot in my stomach. There could possibly be another Zach, with a brother. I grabbed my head.

"Zach said there was this girl, she's a blonde.." I covered my mouth, letting a sob out.

"What? What's wrong?" Claire asked, looking at me. I felt Owen's grasp release. Oh no Sam was with them.

"My sister, she's with them. She called me-e, saying she was with a boy named Zach... oh god." I turned from them, starting to walk away.

"Tess!! Tess!" Owen grabbed my arm, spinning me.

"We'll get the boys." he was looking at Claire, then turning to me "And we'll get Pipsqueak."

I sniffed, blinking the tears that were pooling in my eyes. I trusted his words, because he was a man of word. I took a step forward, wrapping my arms around his waist tight. Sam was all I had since dad died, I couldn't loose her.

His hand patted my head before pulling away, "Let's go, We gotta get there quick."

I saw Claire starting towards the main door, her heels clacking in a hurry. How the hell could the girl run in heels? I can't even walk in heels!

When we got out, I saw a flannel shirt sitting on the bench, with no one around. I smelled like hell, so I snatched it up as I followed. Once we got to the truck we were in earlier, Owen jumped into the drivers, Claire into the passengers, and I landed in the back seat.

"Hey Claire? Is there any weapons under that seat?" I looked under the seat next to me. By company standard each car had to have a rifle at all times, so most workers kept them under the back seat.

"Actually, two. A rifle and knife, which do you want?" he glanced back at me with a laugh. He wanted the rifle, only because he knew I sucked at aiming. Claire was looking at us the whole time.

"Shut up and drive!" she cried at Owen. He glared at the woman.

"Keep talking to me like that woman, and I'll have Beta toss you outta the car." she looked confused, but she kept quiet. I rubbed my nose as the car rumbled to life.

While we were driving down a bump road, I grabbed my ripped vest and pulled it off. I felt my fingers unbutton the grey material until it was completely unbuttoned.

I pried it off my shoulder, which seemed to be tender. I glanced back -completely forgetting I was only in my bra- at the wound. I saw a dark bruise had already formed, while there was a small dark circle there.

I decided to ignore it, slipping the stolen flannel onto my body. It was baggy, thick, and ripped on one arm; I understood why it was discarded.

I wrapped my fingers around the other sleeve before yanking, tearing the fabric to match the other arm. I glanced up, seeing Owen's eyes in the rearview mirror. I felt his eyes turn away back to the road. That little shit.

Alpha Raptor [Owen Grady] - UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now