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"-Seriously? No way Babe." I rolled my eyes, returning them to the small TV in the corner of the room. I was watching some spanish soap opera, which I didn't understand.

"Okay. I love you too. Bye." she hung up the phone.

"Oh thank god! You two are annoying." I sighed as I pushed myself up in the uncomfortable bed. She chuckled, sitting up to look at me more.

"Says the girl who has been nagging me the past three days for her boyfriend." I shot daggers at her. "Owen's with Claire at the warehouse, he said he would come by once he was finished."

"How do you know? He doesn't have his phone." I reached over for my glass of water.

"While your were high from all the meds, I slipped out and went there."

"Ugh, you are such an ass." I took a sip of the water.

"I'm the ass? When I got back you were talking to your salad!"

"Hey! There were green men in my salad!" we both laughed, until I heard the door opening.

"Hello Ms. Williams." I loved the doctors accent, it was clear that English was his second language, because his costa rican accent was so heavy and thick. "We need to do a small check-up, if you're all green you're free to leave."

"Yes!" I fist pumped the air in happiness. The only reason why I was at this damn hospital because Charlie's damn bite in my leg got infected, that and I had to get eighty two new stitches.

He did the basic check up crap, stick a light in your ears, mouth, breathing and your heart. Then he pulled back the thin blanket to reveal my leg. The bite was covered with gauze, and my knee was re-addressed.

After taking off the bandages I didn't gag when I saw it. It was just normal bite marks, and stitches over the largest, it wasn't oozing blood or pus, which I was thankful for.

"It's good. I will go get the paperwork and your medication, need anything else?" I scratched the side of my cheek.

"Just uh... Change of clothes, please." he nodded, leaving me and Sam be.

"Yes I can leave! I hate these damn hospitals." I turned, pressing my feet to the ground. I stumbled a bit, resulting in Sam jumping quickly to her feet.

"Careful! Jeez you're gonna get yourself killed in this damn hospital." she straightened me out. I smiled, taking a step. The limp was back...Yay.

"I gotta go make a call." I nodded, sitting back on the bed as I waited for the doctor or Sam to come back in. Ten minutes later the doctor returned, holding a change of clothes, medicines, a clipboard, and a pair of crutches.

"Just sign these, and your good to go." I took the papers from him, signing the spaces he told me too before handing them back. He said goodbye, and left.

I changed into the provided clothes, which was a baggy T-shirt and baggy sweatpants that I had to roll up six times. I pushed myself up, grabbing the crutches, and shoving them under my arms. Sam walked in, laughing at me.

"You look like a marshmallow in those Smiles." I chuckled, walking over there. Hell this felt better than limping.

"Grab those meds, we're walking to the warehouse." she grabbed them.

"Tess, I called Claire you dummy. I told her to send someone you dummy."

"It's been thirty minutes... You sure you called someone?" As I finished my sentence, a black car appeared in front of me. I saw Claire step out, wearing pants and a shirt. Damn, she cleaned up good.

"Sorry we're lat-"

"Tess!" I saw Owen run to me from the drivers side. I started to walk over with the crutches only to be smothered into a hug. I rested my forehead against his neck, closing my eyes tightly. His hands were laying of my back as my arms were tight around his torso.

I loved his hugs, especially after all that had happened. He was always there to hug me, even if it was a simple one before I would go home to the bungalow, or when he would hug me so I wouldn't tackle someone. His hugs were always great, and I loved that about him.

"Sorry to cut the reunion short, but we need to get back to the warehouse, the helicopter comes at six." I glanced over at Claire, seeing her rocking back and forth on the heels of her shoes.

"Helicopter?" I asked, pulling away from Owen. I picked up the fallen crutches, placing them back under my arms.

"We're heading back to Isla Nublar." I furrowed my eyes at Owen and Claire. "I'll tell you in the car."

"You better, because I sure as hell am coming with you two." I pushed passed them, and climbed into the backseat of the car. It has been a week since we've left the island, and they want to go back?

"Damn you're stubborn." I heard as Owen got into the drivers seat. I scoffed, looking at my feet. I was pissed, why the hell did they want to go back?

"Why the hell are we going back to that place?" Sam and Claire got into the car.

"Well... We want to turn it into something great, someth-"

"Claire, You better not be planning to reopen the park; Because if you are so help me I will whack you with this crutch."

"No, we aren't. We are turning it into a wildlife preserve."

"What? I didn't hear you clearly, did you actually say wildlife preserve?"

"Tess." Owen shot daggers in my direction. I bit my lip, glaring back at him.

"You heard me, Tess. In Mr. Masrani's will, he stated that his entire fortune would go to the park. Because there isn't a park anymore, we have decided to turn it into a wildlife preserve for the dinosaurs." she handed a tablet to me, showing me a logo.

"Jurassic?" I asked, seeing the bold letters above the dinosaur.

"Like it?" I nodded, handing the tablet back to her.

"There will still be visitors?" I asked, itching my nose.

"No, not for a long time." she replied, tapping on the device as Owen drove.



you thought this was over? Pfffft.

We go a long ways to go.


Alpha Raptor [Owen Grady] - UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now