another authors note [please don't kill me]

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Hello RAPTORS!!!!! *(random raptor noises)*

I just wanted to thank ALL of you lovely people for 4.5K reads!!! I never imagined a weird person like me who writes stories about a raptor trainer who likes to slap butts. On the serious note, I want to thank you all for helping my dream of writing come true. It has literally made me so happy and proud to say that I own 'Alpha Raptor'.

Also, I am currently sitting at the number nine spot on the tag #jurassicworld (this is as of june 21st.) and #owengrady. HOLY CRAP GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH I AM LITERALLY IN TEARS RIGHT NOW THANKS SO MUCH! It has always been my dream to be on the top 10 of something! I plan on updating really soon, and I will try my hardest to kick out chapters rapidly.

I am so grateful to have you raptors, without you I would be a weirdo who no-one likes (lol I still am that ahaHAHAHA ;-; ).

I love you all so much!

-onlyjeffery (alpha raptor)

Alpha Raptor [Owen Grady] - UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now