Mission 14: A Disquieting Premenition

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Spring was now here as the air would start to warm up. After the past couple days, Dante kept a hold of Unas's bandages. Today was about a good day to see Rias to have her destroy the bandage, leaving no traces left. He was walking down the neighborhood, dragging Lucille and Damien with him. 

Dante: *sigh* ... Never thought I'd have a hard time finding those kids. 

Damien: They are devils, keep in mind. 

Dante: I know, Damien... For once, just give us a sign. 

Lucille: Perhaps we could visit the school they go to?

Dante: Good thinking, Lucille. 

Damien: We're carrying weapons though. Won't we attract unwanted attention?

Dante: Well, we aren't going in the school to begin with. Best we could do is catch them or wait the whole day if need be. 

The very moment he spoke those words, he looks up ahead and sees Rias, Issei, and Asia walking together. 

Dante: Nevermind, there they are. 

Lucille: A bit too easy, huh?

Damien: I guess devils like to live like how humans live. In houses with the common folk. 

Rias begins to notice as she turns around, seeing Dante, Damien, and Lucille walk towards them. 

Rias: Oh, hello, Dante. 

Issei: *turns around* Huh? Yo, Dante! How's it going?

Asia: Mr. Dante, it's nice to see you again. Good morning. 

Dante: *sigh* Please, just stick with Dante. Adding Mister just makes me old. 

Issei: Aren't you though?

Dante: Hey, I'm not that old. 

Lucille: Says the man who walked into my office the very first time with hair growing on his face. 

Dante: Hey, that was a month ago now. Lots have changed. I'm perfectly fine how I am. 

Rias: Well, you three actually caught us at the right time. We were just about to walk towards the school. Care to escort us?

Dante: Eh. Why not? 

Damien: Didn't you just say we aren't going into the school to begin with?

Dante: I did. 

Lucille: But we're literally going to the school. 

Dante: *crosses arms* To escort them. There's a big difference. 

Lucille and Damien groan out of frustration from Dante's comebacks

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Lucille and Damien groan out of frustration from Dante's comebacks. The six begin to walk together as a conversation starts coming from Rias. 

Rias: So, what brought to your attention to come to this neighborhood?

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