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I woke up and my bed was empty. I walked in kitchen to find Jungkook preparing breakfats

Good morning sunshine. He greeted me and came closer to kiss me

Hi. I said with grinn

So what you will do today? I asked

Well, he frowned I will go in school with you, then I will have lunch with you, then I guess will go at home with you, maybe will do some homeworks with you and then I will spent rest of the day with you

Wow, so much with you, right? I asked with nervous smile

He looked at me. You mind it? He asked

No, no that's not the point

So what is?

Jungkook, what you did before we started dating?

I was with Jin, Nam and Yoongi

And aren't they miss you? I asked carefully

Hm, I don't know.

And what about your aunt?

She's fine

Yes, so maybe you will get to know each other a little more?

you want to get rid of me? We've been dating for a week and you're sick of me?

No, Jungkook! Come on, that's not true, but I want you to have your time

But I want to spent my time with you, Jimin. I was jerk for so long. I don't want to repeat my mistake

I smiled, went to him and hugged him from behind

Ok, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. If you want to be with me. We will be

Maybe I miss guys a little. He said and I grinned

What if I will spent afternoon with them and then I'll pick you up for our date?

Date? We will have a date?

Yes, our first official properly date. What do you say?

In what time?

7 pm?

Ideal. I smiled and he kissed me


We were in school it was our last class of this day and our principal came in our classroom

I was sitting next to Tae, but I was flirting with Jungkook, who was smiled at me, sending me air kisses

Good afternoon students. This class will be attend school trip in next week from Wednesday till Saturday. It will be in our school Cottage in moutains.

You will be separated in Teams there, for games, for tasks, for sleep. I hope you will be acting as mature human and don't make us shame

We already mailed to your parents or legal representatives.

Thank you and enjoy your trip.

Wow I said. I can't wait for the trip. I said when we walked at home. I walked with Tae and Hoseok, because Jungkook left with his friends

Me too, I hope we will be together in team.

Me too, Tae. I said and Hoseok nodded

Or maybe you will want to be with Jungkook?

What? No way. You know how competitive he is. I actually fell sorry for his Teams mates

We started to laugh, when we walked in caffee

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