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Jungkook's POV

I dropped Jimin at his work, then I left in my office. I came in to find dad and mr. Lee argue

What happened? I asked and sat on my chair

Nothing, son. How you doing? My dad asked and mr. Lee left

I'm good, but Jimin isn't feel well. I think he catched some flu from some kid in kindergarten

Yeah. I'll never understand why is he working as teacher

Because he loves it, dad.

But his salary does not reflect his education.

But, not everything is about money, dad. He is there happy and my salary is enoug for both of us.

Your salary and his dad's month rent, right

I looked at him. Yes, he is sending money every month, but we are saving them

For what? My dad chuckled

For our future, dad. We wont life in rent for the rest of our lifes. We are saving for small house on beach

Small house on beach, huh? In NY?

I bitted my lips. No in NY

So where?


Jungkook? Where you planning to live?


Jeju? Like Korean Jeju?

Do you know else Jeju?



You are planing to go back in Korea?

We didn't talked about it, but after our wedding

A wedding? Did I missed something?

Not yet, but I planning to propose him. And marry him and adopt bunch of kids and live in Jeju

Jungkook, my dad said and sat on chair

What are you doing? You are so talented in business. You are clever. Don't destroy your life with some affair

Affair? You are talking about Jimin? He isn't affair, he is love of my life. I love him, dad. I will marry him and I will go wherever he will want me to go.

You are doing a huge mistake with him, Jungkook

No, dad. You are wrong. He is the best thing what ever can happened to me

He stood up and agrily left my office, slamming door behind him.

I was in shock, it was for the first time after all these years what he reacted like that over Jimin.

I called mom to ask her, if something happened, but she was surprise as I was. She promised to talk with dad in the evening.

I started work and I lost track of time, when Sarah came in my office

I'm going out for lunch. Wanna join?

I was hungry so I left with her.

We were in nice small restaurant in park, we were talking and laughing. She was nice, clever and funny. She was three years older then me, so she teached me everything in company. And I was gratefull.

We finished our lunch and I looked up from window to find there some children playing.

I saw Alex, Jimin's collegue, but I couldn't find Jimin. I finally wanted introduce him to Sarah.

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