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Jimin's POV

We were on clouds nine together. Our live since he confessed to his parents was amazing. We spent part of summer here in NY with his parents.

They held distance from begin, but when they know me, they started be nice to me. Mr. Jeon is still keeping his distance, but he treat me well. And mrs. Jeon, she is amazing. She's really like second mom to me

Our last year on High School was like teenage dream. We spent every moment together and I loved it. After our graduate we moved here in NY and started our college here

Our dads rent this apartment for us and I love it here. And I love Jungkook so much.

Jungkook is working in one of mr.Jeon's companies with mr.Lee and his daughter Sarah. Jungkook told me everything about them, but I never saw them.

I started working in kindergarten as teacher, and I loved it, it really made me happy.

Mrs. Jeon was so supportive. Mr.Jeon didn't understand why I studied so hard when I decided to work as kindergarten teacher, but Jungkook told him that I love it and he loves when I'm happy.

So mr.Jeon never asked again, but I saw contempt in his eyes.

My parents were amazing, they suported me in every decition what I made. I was so happy for them, they were back together. Mom was moving in his mansion, because Leane started to ask about her, when she was gone.

Mom wanted to sell our house, but I convised her to do not. I wasn't ready to sell it, and deep down I hoped, that once we will come back in Korea and then we can live there, where we started.

Jungkook was working so hard and I was proud of him. Every day I was waiting for him. He came around 7 pm, I served him a diner, we ate together and talked about our day.

Then I gave him some massage and went to fill our bathtube. We took a bath together and then we were only in our bathrobes in living room, curled up together on the couch with glass of red wine, watching some movies.

And then we finished our day with sex. Sometimes it was nice, gently love making but mostly it was hard, rough fucking.

Then we laid in each other embrance, naked and happy. Jungkook's new kink was looking at his sperm flowing out of me. I felt so shy from begin, but now I'm use to it and honestly I like it too. To feel his sperm flowing out from my rear.

Jasmine threw up three time. I told to one of my colleague, I will go to call her mom.

When she came she apologized to me, but I asure her, that it's OK.

I petted Jasmin's head when she was leaving and smiled at her mom.

It will be some kind of stomach flue. I hope that other kids wont be ill too.

Yeah, me too, Jimin. Alex, my collegue stroked my hand and left to check sleeping kids

I steped by in Korean grocery shop and bought some raw materials for Samgyeopsal and kimchi fried rice, Jungkook's favourit meals.

I started preparing the food, when my stomach started growling. Oh I hope I didn't catched the flue from Jasmine

I prepared dinner and after while Jungkook came at home, we ate together, but my stomach felt like it was on water

So I didn't ate so much.

Are you Ok, baby? Something happened?

No, I just. One kid had stomach flue and I think that maybe I catched it. I will sleep in guest room today.

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