Ryo realized it when the yellow eyes shone in the dusk. he'd had his suspicions, but hey, humans in this century did weird shit, okay? he had decided not to question it, like, ages ago. but Luthius, he was different. he seemed surprised with everything from this era, like he'd missed it entirely. Ryo had seen the world change bit by bit over time,and even he was still surprised at all the new inventions that popped up every other day, but the way Luthius reacted, it was like he never heard of it before. and he desperately tried to make it seemed like he did. 
the girls were dropped off at their hotel, magic barrier intact. they were fine, safely inside. what better time than now.

The lanterns shone their yellow light on the street in patches, but Luthius avoided them. he basked in the moonlight instead, eyes glistening as he looked up to it. ''no matter where you go, the moon is always the same, huh.'' Ryo's hand on his shoulder interrupted his peace. ''you could've told me you're a vampire. would've been appreciated, actually. i don't like it when people deceive me.'' Luthius shrugged his hand off, turning around to face him. he was taller than him, but Ryo's looks could give him the creeps. that kid was feisty. 
''so what? i'm not the only one that has something to hide, am i? 'cause i'm pretty sure you didn't have a goddamn dick when you followed the girls. blond hair, pink shirt? yeah, i know. you could have told me you were a shapeshifter, if you value honesty so much.'' Ryo took a step back, confusion written on his face. 
''how did you know about that?'' Luthius grinned and waved his hand before his eyes. ''you didn't change your eyes. if you look closely, they have specks of gold. not something you see every day. i suppose it was my eyes that gave mine away too, then? 'cause that's not all.'' he cocked his head to the side as his ears grew longer, pointier. he hissed softly as he grew out the fangs, smiling at Ryo, who looked at him in awe. ''like what you see, pretty boy? show me what you can do.''
Ryo wasn't one to take up challenges. in fact, he had let the spirit of competitiveness go a long, long time ago. Luthius, however, got under his skin. he had to.
it was quick, and barely noticeable, up until he took a step forward and ended up towering over Luthius, looking down on him. ''there are no limitations. none.'' he shrunk back to his own size and walked away, Luthius trailing behind. ''the fangs are kinda hot though,'' he said, the words half lost in the wind. 

then they finally got there, and Ryo swiftly opened the door, stepping inside. he looked back at Luthius, his long hair moved over his back in the wind, dancing white over his broad shoulders in black. yeah, he and his fangs really were kind of hot. and he was immortal, too. 
he leaned against the door frame and looked him up and down. ''do you even have a place to stay?'' Luthius shook his head. ''in the spirit of honesty, i haven't spend a day in this dimension since before they started counting the years, so...'' Ryo sighed and walked inside, leaving the door open. Luthius followed him inside, closing the door. suddenly it was dark, and the hallway was small. they found themselves bumping into one another. ''shit- that's the wall you idiot. what happened to vampires not being able to enter?'' he couldn't see, but Ryo could feel the grin on Luthius's face. he sounded far too close for comfort. ''i don't need an invitation to come inside, handsome.'' there was no mockery, only the electrifying tension between them that had popped up out of nowhere. instinctively, Ryo closed the small gap between them. neither of them were alive, and neither of them were dead, but they sure as hell were both hot right this second. their lips met in aggression, Luthius groaning in slight surprise, but major enjoyment. his hand slid behind Ryo's neck, pressing him closer as he kissed back. 

with the kiss growing in time, the already narrow space between them closed up, hips grinding against each other hungrily. Ryo pushed Luthius off of himself, breaking all contact. in the dark, Luthius's eyes shone bright, and without a word, Ryo grabbed his hand and pulled him along. 
the bedroom was dark, but even in the dark he knew exactly where everything was. with a flick of his arm, they were switched, Luthius's legs pressed against the bed behind them, falling down onto the silk sheets. he pulled Ryo down with him, enjoying the full weight of him on top of himself, before the dark haired man decided he'd had enough of his games. he pinned Luthius down, his hands above his head on the bed. the only thing he earned himself was a sarcastic remark, accompanied by a smirk he could see even in the absence of the light. his arm flew back, engulfing the entire room in a black fire for a few seconds before a dozen black candles appeared in the room, perfectly centered on the cabinets they hadn't stood on before. the flames lit up his own face well enough, but it illuminated the smile on Luthius' face like nothing before. it made him feral.
''Got a theme there, hm? silk sheets, candlelight...'' his gaze moved over Ryo's face, then further down the length of all that was visible. what wasn't in sight, he could feel. and he felt it well.
''shut your fucking mouth and kiss me-'' ''you might want to let go of my hands then, pretty boy.'' Ryo grunted, but his grip on the pale wrists faltered. instead his hands moved down, pushing the black shirt up in an attempt to get his hands on Luthius' flawless skin. his fingers pushed up the edge of the fabric, his nails scraping over his stomach. he writhed under Ryo's touch, only ending up with his legs set together tighter by a wickedly grinning man, now sitting on his legs exactly where he did not want him. Luthius grunted, his voice raw and low, filled with desire for his touch. it had been so long, and it felt so good, and- Ryo yanked the shirt over his head, throwing it to the floor. his movements shifted him over Luthius' lap, straddling the slim man under him. his hands flew up, landing on ryo's hips in a desperate attempt to push him down, get him closer. 

''not so fast.'' Ryo lifted himself off of him, leaving a disgruntled vampire in his bed, wishing for his hands to fill the emptiness his hips had left. swift hands made easy work of his own shirt, then pants, under the watchful eyes that begged him to return, even if he refused to actually say it. 
his own underwear stood tight with him, aroused by every second of this night. his hips too, felt bare without luthius' touch. 
ryo's eyes locked onto the vampire's as his hands found their way to luthius' pants, undoing them agonizingly slowly. and then, finally, his fingers slipped into luthius' underwear. ''ah- please...'' he let himself fall back into the sheets as ryo stroked him. gentle at first, then harder, getting carried away by the rewarding moans and huffing, encouraged even further when Luthius softly begged him for more, his hands clenching the fabric beside him tightly. 

Ryo removed the thin black fabric from Luthius' skin, struggling to keep quiet with the many feelings surging through him. his own underwear was quick work, freeing him from the torment of the tightness of it. he'd never felt anything like this before.
yes, long, long ago, he'd had a happy relationship with Elliott. and he'd loved him, gently, passionately, wildly, but never like this. never like this primal urge that made him rise up and pin luthius' hands down to the bed as he sank onto him, huffing and groaning as the entire length of the vampires impressive cock filled him to the brim.
Ryo moaned, the intense surge of power that rushed through him at the sight of Luthius' face empowering the motions he started.
slowly, the harder, and harder, aggressively like the insulting words they'd exchanged earlier, he rode luthius, holding his hands above his head and forcing him to surrender all control.
''i hope- ah- i hope you know this doesn't, ahh, change anything.'' his breathes became shallower with every second, struggling to still speak and not let the overwhelming ecstasy take control of him.
''i still, fuck, ah, i still hate you.''
Luthius opened his up till then scrunched closed eyes and looked at him, wrangling one of his arms loose and gripping Ryo's rock hard cock, the touch of his slender fingers tipping him over the edge. 
Ryo shuddered, coming hard over luthius' stomach, his moans hitting notes he hardly knew he could reach.

''obviously. still hate you too,'' Luthius responded, his voice hoarse.
but after a quick shower and a deep, exhausted sleep, Ryo found himself waking, entangled in Luthius' embrace. he sighed, his face filled with frustration. but his thought were full of one thing and one thing alone; how much he had missed waking up with someone else.

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