Grounded pt 1/3

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We found ourselves in Miss. Griselda's office getting a scolding from her once again for our break in at cloud tower castle yesterday.

"Your intrusion into cloud tower castle was extremely rude young ladies, you exposed yourselves to great danger. That's the reason why your powers have been revoked it is a sufficient punishment, for me however sufficient is not enough. Now just so you'll remember this lesson you'll spend the entire day at school and you will clean the castle from top to bottom" we all looked worried after we heard her punishment.

"The whole castle..?" Flora asked just to be certain and Miss Griselda smirked but shook her head. "No just the stairs, corridor, classrooms, and bathroom." Stella sighed and shrugged. "Oh well that's okay, I thought it would be worst honestly"

Miss Griselda clapped her hands and a purple light surrounded us after the light disappeared we were left with brooms, mops, and rags and buckets of water. "And since you don't not have access to your magic powers for the moment those are your work tools." She said as we all looked down at the cleaning supplies.

"What strange objects. Let's see what my computer says about it." Tecna pulled out her mini computer and began to type but Miss. Griselda closed her computer. "Oh and one more thing, no techno gadgets allowed." Tecna looked shocked and she frowned. "Now that worries me.."

Musa laughed "yeah it shows, the sad news have obviously upset you" Flora chuckled and spoke up "well by tecna's standards she's actually shown too much emotion." Tecna nodded "I know ever since I met you guys I easily lose control" we all began to laugh as Tecna looked confused by our laughter. "It wasn't a joke, it was a simple observation."

Miss Griselda looked shocked by our laughter and shouted 'young ladies' Flora immediately stopped laughing and told us to stop laughing. Miss Griselda approached me and waved her hand around my wrist. I was given a metal wristband that sat right below my usual bracelet.

"Y/n you are the only one with magical powers via Faragonda's wishes but that wristband refrains you  from using them and you will receive a miniature shock if you use your powers. Tomorrow I'll conduct an inspection. Everything better be clean now go!" I immediately looked at her weird as Flora reassured me as we all left Miss Griselda's office to go clean.
Me and Musa were scrubbing the auditoriums seats (I don't know what the room is actually called) I sighed as I noticed the water got dirty, I snapped my fingers and it got clean again.

"We would have been done a lot sooner if you know who had helped us." Musa said annoyed as she stopped scrubbing and turned to look at Stella who was doing her nails.

"Yeah I thought we agreed you were gonna do the floors Stella." I said as I continued scrubbing the seats and Stella shook her head. "No you two agreed. Hey you want me to break a nail?" Musa groaned at Stella's excuse. "You don't have to use your hands, use a scrub brush!" Stella rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I'm gonna get blisters!"

"Wear gloves!"

"Ugh, rubber is bad for my skin!"

I shook my head at the two as I finished cleaning up my spot of the seats. I got up but accidentally tripped and the water fell on Stella who looked shocked. I quickly got up "oh my stars, Stella I'm so sorry!" I froze as I felt water being splashed on me. I turned and saw Musa laughing with a half empty bucket. Stella got a bucket and poured the water on Musa. All three of us laugh as we poured water on each other.
"What happened here, a tornado?" Flora asked concerned as she saw us all laying down in puddles of water. "A tough battle just ended and I won by a landslide!" Stella said happily as the three of us got up and Musa playfully rolled her eyes. "Liar! I won!" Musa and Stella laughed as Flora and Tecna looked disappointed.

"What a wreck.." Flora said disappointed as Tecna sighed "we'll never at this rate.."

"I dear say, not. I'm here to let you know at this evening Magix's auditorium there will be a concert which all of Alfea will attend" Stella immediately smiled at the news and spoke up "great I love concerts!"

Miss Griselda shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows. "However you all will have to miss it, you haven't finished cleaning yet." we all looked around the mess and grew quiet as Miss Griselda sighed and turned to leave "get back to work." She said before she left us alone in the auditorium.
(They are all holding empty buckets and brooms)

We all look outside the window as the buses filled with students, the last person we saw was Miss Griselda before she got inside the bus. "I always feel sad when the school is empty.." Musa said and Stella nodded with a sad look on her face but she began to smile.

"Hey what do you say we ask the boys to join us?" Stella said and Flora looked concerned "yeah why not, and then when we get caught we'll be grounded to infinity.." Musa shook her head at Floras concern. "I think it's a good idea, they could help us with the cleaning after all."

Tecna frowned "but it's like cheating isn't it?" I shook my head and spoke up. "Miss Griselda didn't say we couldn't have help from others, she just said no magic or tecno-gadgets..." Stella immediately cheered and threw her bucket and broom on the floor and hugged me. "Yes! Y/n is right. And when we're done cleaning we can have a nice party!" She smiled.

Musa threw her bucket and broom on the floor too "great idea!"
We are outside Alfea's gates as we waited for the boys to show up. Varian texted me and told me that they were close and should be here in three minutes. "Varian said they should be here soon—" I said as but paused as we all heard the sounds of motor run, we turned and saw the guys pulling up to the school.

The boys entered the school and parked their wind riders. "They sure didn't waste any time, it's great to see you !" Stella smiled and ran to Sky. He smiled at her. "You know us when it comes to partying the specialist take it very seriously." Sky said as he took off his helmet.

One of the wind riders parked near me and the driver took off their helmet. "Hey sis." Darwin smiled and noticed my wristband.

"Musa told me over text that thing shocks you if you use your powers, does it really?" he said as he grabbed my wrist and took a look at the metal wristband. I yanked my wrist away and shrugged. "Probably but I'm not gonna test it out." "..good point" he said as he got off his wind rider.

"Where's varian?" I asked curiously as I didn't notice the blue-haired boy with the others. "He left something at red falcon so he went back. He should be here soon." Darwin said as the others joined us. "Oh, what did he forget?" Flora asked curiously as Darwin shrugged. "He wouldn't say. He just said it was important."

We all heard a motor vehicle pulling up into the school, we all turned and saw one last wind rider pulling into the school. He took off his helmet and revealed it was Varian. He parked his rider and went to us. I smiled as he approached us. "Hey varian" He stood next to me and waved slightly.

"Hello.." he said and we all looked at him curiously. "..what" he said clueless at our stares and Sky shook his head and spoke up. "What did you leave behind the tower?" Varian didn't say anything for a moment before he took a glance my way and turned his focus back to Sky. "Just a gift for someone."
"It's not hard! Just do it like this" Musa said to the guys as all the girls began to mop the floor. However Musa's type of cleaning was more upbeat and required more movement since she danced while she mopped. "Soap down, rise, and dry!" She said before doing a turn and putting the mop back in the bucket.

"..wasn't this supposed to be a party?" Riven asked annoyed and I handed them all a mop. "It will be but we need to finish cleaning up first.." Riven rolled his eyes and didn't accept the mop so I handed it over to Varian. "Thanks.." he said as he joined my side to help me mop.

"We'll work better with music!" Flora said excitedly as she turned on the radio.

"And all together now soap, rinse, and dry!" Musa said as we all began to dance as we mop with the exception being Riven.

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