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10:16 AM
Sapnap's POV

  I sat in Math class with Karl, in the back, of course. We were sharing music, and we were currently listening to Around the Fur by Deftones. It was a pretty good song, I had found it back in eighth grade. I tapped my foot along with the beat, drowning out the teacher. I barely even heard the bell ring.

  As I walked Karl to his Chem class and Deftones faded into Californication, I thought about how exactly we were supposed to keep our relationship secret. I highly doubted that the other three remembered the party, let alone the bathroom. I blushed just thinking about it. Karl seemed to take notice.

  "What's wrong, hun?" He asked, taking his earbud out. I gazed into his greyish blue eyes.

  "Oh, uh, I was just wondering," I prefaced, "how exactly are we" I gestured to him and myself, "gonna keep this under wraps?" He looked confused for a minute, then he comprehended it.

  "Oh! Umm..." And the fucking bell rang. I pecked Karl on his cheek before he disappeared into his classroom.

  I began walking to my second period as Californication faded into Diet Mountain Dew by Lana Del Ray. Man, I had such a sprawling music taste.


Third Person

  The Feral Boys were practicing their hearts out. Not only were they competing against they best team in the area, they were short their team captain.

  Dream had broken his wrist during the last quarter against the Cows, the notorious team that broke Sapnap's nose. So now, he just gave pointers from the bleachers. George never left his side.

  Punz and Foolish were tackling, Quackity was doing laps, and Karl and Sapnap were passing a football back and forth.

  The extra players were doing running laps up and down the field.

  "What the actual fuck, Karl?!" Quackity suddenly screamed. He was fuming at a terrified Karl. Bad rushed over to them.

  "First of all, language-" 

  "Fuck you, man. You don't even care that Karl threw a fucking football at my head! All you fucking care about is your 'language' bullshit!"

  "Alex, locker room. Karl, what happened?" As Quackity stormed away, Karl explained the situation.

  "I tossed the ball back to Alex, and he missed it. It hit his head." Bad nodded. "I would never intentionally hit him with a ball, Coach."

  "I understand. I'll go talk to him." And he walked off.
  "Fucking leave me alone! Jesus Christ, coach!" A door slammed shut, and then Quackity was spotted running away. Karl looked over Sapnap, who seemed just as confused as the brunette.

  Then they busted out laughing.

Sorry, shifty short filler.
Wordcount: 441 words

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