This Is For Rex

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Chase started firing at all the guards, they all tried to get to cover while firing back but a few of them got shot in the process. Trevor didn't want to get caught in the crossfire so he stayed got out and ran for cover behind one of the X6's, the guards kept firing at Chase who had taken cover behind a parked civilian car, every time Chase fired back he hit one or two of the guards
Guard 10: SHIT, IM OUT OF AMMO, SWITCHING TO SIDEARM (he shouted while pulling out a Glock 17)
Guard 9: HE'S JUST ONE FUCKING DOG KILL HIM ALREADY- AHHHHH SHIT (He Shouted As he fell to the ground from getting shot in the stomach)
Guard 10: I GOT YOU (He shouted as he dragged the guard behind cover to prevent him from getting shot more times)
Guard 10: LAST MAG (He shouted while reloading, as he finished reloading one of the other guards covering him got shot in the head twice before falling over)
Guard 9: Here, I got more mags, take so that you can keep firing (he suggested, the guard tried taking the magazine's but the. Saw two grenades land next to guatd number nine and the another one landed behind him. Before he could react the grenades blew up and blew them up along with the X6 they were taking cover behind. Now all the guards from all four cars were dead. Trevor took a peek to see where Chase and then tried making a run towards his 600LT in an attempt to potentially still catch his flight but while running to his car Chase shot him in both of his legs causing him to trip and fall, he tried crawling to his car but every time he moved there was a strike of pain in his legs. Chase began to slowly walk towards Trevor with a Menacing look on his face, the type of face you would see on someone who is out for blood, with every step that Chase took Trevor became more anxious about what Chase's next move will be, Chase was now right by Trevor and was aiming at his head with his Desert Eagle)
Trevor: Woah Woah Woah mate ju-just hold on a sec ok, it doesn't have to be like thi-
Chase: Where is he
Trevor: What, wha-what, who are you talking about, be specific- (he was interrupted when Chase pistol whipped him and his head fell to the ground, he groaned and grunted in pain)
Chase: Does it look like I came here to play games, don't try and act like a fucking idiot you know damn well I'm talking about Claw
Trevor: *Grunts in pain* Why didn't you say so (he said with a sarcastic smile, Chase had enough and put the barrel of his pistol up against Trevor's head)
Chase: Take a look around, I just took out all these guys by myself, if I want to I could really hurt you (he said with a menacing tone which sent chills down Trevor's spine)
Trevor: He was the one who shot your friend, why are you coming after me like this
Chase: I don't care if you have a clear criminal record, you were working with Claw who is a criminal
Trevor: Wait... How the fuck do you know I have a clear criminal record
Chase: What did you think Im stupid or something
Trevor: I did in the beginning (he said but saying that earned him another bullet to his stomach from Chase's pistol)
Trevor: Ahhhhhh Shit man
Chase: We can keep doing this if you like, I don't have a problem with that
Trevor: Your a fucking psychopath
Chase: You want me to stop. I'm not gonna ask again, Where the fuck is Claw
Trevor: He's back at the building where you dropped off those cars
Chase: How should I know if your telling the truth
Trevor: What else do you want me to tell you
Trevor: I just told you that
Chase: Really
Trevor: Yes (he said with pain in his voice, there was a moment of silence before one of them spoke up again)
Chase: You know it's funny you say that because, I managed to get a hold of Claws bank details as well as a list of the things he's purchased, and the most recent purchases he made was two flight tickets back to Adventure Bay, one flight for a pup named Claw leaving at quarter past ten and another for a pup named Trevor leaving exactly forty five minutes after the first flight (he said with menacing chuckle and smile)
Trevor: Listen mate, I didn't know about this ok, he never told me anything about tha-
Chase: It was so simple, all I wanted was the fucking truth, it was that simple and what do you do, you lie to try and help a criminal, you lie to my face while I'm torturing you
Trevor: Please mate, I didn't know I-I-I thought maybe tha-
Chase: This is for Rex (he said before putting two bullets in Trevor's head, instantly killing him, Chase took Trevor's pup tag like device in case it would be useful to help find Claw and put a stop to whatever he was planning, Chase got back in the E92 and made his way to the station where Markolm and Hudson were)

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