Who Were They

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All three of the pups went to sleep, Chase went inside his pup house to see Skye who was just laying there awake, waiting for Chase to come in
Skye: Hey handsome
Chase: Hey (he said with a sigh)
Skye: Hey, you alright, is something wrong
Chase: Yeah, I'm alright
Skye: Chase, I can see something's wrong
*They both just stared at each other before one of them spoke up*
Skye: Chase, I can see that your not okay, I can see it in your eyes, all I want to know is what's bothering you, that's all I'm aski-
Chase: Can we just talk about this tomorrow (he said cutting off Skye,)
*Skye Skye wasn't very pleased with this action but she could tell that Chase was upset with whatever just happened so she didn't want to force him to talk*
Skye: Sure (she said with a slightly upset tone)
Chase: I'm sorry, that wasn't called for, I just, I
Skye: It's okay Chase, I understand. We can talk about it tomorrow (she said with a warm smile)
Chase: Thanks for understanding
Skye: No worries
Chase: *kisses her forehead* Goodnight beautiful
Skye: Goodnight handsome (she said as she laid down next to him and soon they fell asleep)
Claw and Trevor were walking back to their cars
Trevor: Well that went well
Claw: No, he got luck that's all
Trevor: What do you mean
Claw: If that third mutt didn't show up our plan would've worked
Trevor: Our plan?
Claw: Ok, my plan but you know what I mean
Trevor: So what are we gonna do
Claw: I don't know
Trevor: What if we take that pup captive
Claw: Why would that help
Trevor: Well this pup that your after, Chase, I've heard of him, and one thing I know about him is, if some close to him is in danger he will do anything to help them
Claw: And your point is
Trevor: If we take his friend captive he's gonna want to save him, meaning he'll come to us and we won't have to go to him
Claw: You know what. That's not a bad idea
Trevor: So when do execute it
Claw: I'm not to sure but let's just take some time off to rest up (he said as they both got in the cars and left the lookout
The Next Day:
Rex: So Claw is his name
Chase: Yup, that is correct
Skye: Why was he here last night
Rocky: Probably because of what happened to Sweetie
Rex: Who?
*there was a moment of silence and everyone kept exchanging looks until they all were looking at Chase*
(HEADS-UP: The sentences and dialogue in bold will be flashbacks)
Chase: A couple days ago I accepted the offer of being put in a race
Rex: Who made this offer
Chase: A pup named Sweetie
Sweetie: Because she is your you know what I thought we should spice things up a bit
Chase: Oh yeah, and how do you plan on doing that
Sweetie: A race
Pups and Ryder: A Race? (They all asked making sure they heard correctly)
Sweetie: A race
Claw: You can't be serious
Sweetie: Oh I am very serious my friend, One race, Jakes Mountain to the Lookout winner takes all
Claw: Are to sure about that
Sweetie: Oh I am most definitely, it all depends on what Mr tough guy here thinks (she said referring to Chase)
Chase: Obviously me being me, I accepted the challenge
Rex: Right but what has that got to do with that pup that was here last night
Chase: Well towards the end of the race me and Sweetie were neck a neck and the race was getting intense, however Sweetie took her chances and tried taking me out.
*Chase and Sweetie we're making it to the end of the bridge and Chase was slowly pulling ahead, Sweetie decided that she only had one option to win and that was to take him out , she slightly swerved left and then violently to the right, Chase saw her do this and slammed on the brakes so that she wouldn't hit him, she just missed him and she tried to swerve back on to the road but it was too late, she clipped the ramp of a flatbed truck sending her into the air and then rolling a couple of times once she hit the ground*
Rex: But that doesn't make sense, if she crashed because of her own doing why would this pup be after you
Chase: That's the only reason I can think apart from him being friends with Sweetie and wanting to avenge her but I don't really know
Rex: So what are we gonna do
Rocky: We can't do anything, there isn't a reason for us to just go after him and take him down, he hasn't done anything
Chase: We should probably just let the situation play out and see what happens
Rex: So if he decides to attack us?
Chase: We fight back
Rex: And if he doesn't
Chase: We stay put, we let him make the first move so that we have a reason to go after him
(All of the pups and Ryder nodded in agreement and did what Chase said, which was to just see what happens)

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