Watch Your Mouth

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It was officially the next day and Chase and Skye were sleeping, Skye was beginning to wake up slowly, she woke up snuggling with Chase who was still asleep, she tried to quietly get up from the bed, she fixed her ruffled up fur, she was about to walk out of the room but then she turned around and looked at Chase who was still sleeping, she decided to gently wake him up by softly speaking in his ear
Skye: Hey Chase, it's morning
Chase: Already (he said while slowly)
Skye: Yeah
Chase: Are the others up already
Skye: I think so
Chase: You go see them if you want
Skye: Are you not getting up
Chase: Not yet, I need a minute (he said then both him and Skye heard the pups from their room and it sounded like they were talking about the events that Chase told them about last night)
Chase: Maybe two (he said)
Skye: That's ok, I'm gonna go inside and see the others
Chase: Alright (he said before laying back down and Skye went to go see the other's, she peeked her head into the main room to see what was going on, she heard all the pups having a discussion about what Chase told them last night
Liberty: He had to of done it, there's no evidence that he didn't
Zuma: It's actually the opposite
Liberty: Exactly
Everest: But why would he do that
Rocky: Revenge probably
Liberty: Revenge?
Zuma: How do you know
Rocky: Well it's the most logical assumption when you remember that Claw shot Rex and Chase probably wanted to avenge him by killing Trevor
Ryder: So he did kill him
Marshall: And he lied to us (he added but then all the pups looked at him)
Liberty: Are you just not gonna let that go
Rubble: We were right, you guys just didn't get the picture
Rocky: He obviously kept it from us to protect us
Marshall: Pffft Yeah right protect us, from what
Rocky: Claw
Everest: Trevor himself
Zuma: The cops (he added)
Rubble: What difference would him not telling us make
Skye: It makes all the difference (Skye stated while stepping into the room and making all the pups look at her)
Marshall: It doesn't make any difference
Skye: Rex is Chase's brother and Chase had to witness he getting shot and nearly getting killed, how do you think he felt when that happened (she pointed out and Marshall didn't have a response for that statement and just glared at her)
Marshall: How much is Chase paying you to back him up
Skye: I'm doing this out of my own accord (she said glaring back at him)
Marshall: Still, your siding with him just because you two are dating
Skye: *Chuckles* I was waiting for you to play that card
Marshall: It's a valid point
Skye: It's your only point (he said and the whole room went silent but Marshall and Skye still glared at each other
Skye: What's with the silence, run outta things to say
Marshall: Oh shut up
Chase: Excuse me (he said and everyone whipped their heads round to look at Chase who came out of no where)
Chase: Say that again, I dare

Marshall then got up from his seat and walked up to Chase and Skye, Marshall stopped in front of them and then looked at Skye

Marshall: Shut up (he said to Skye and then looked back at Chase)
Chase: I know you didn't just do that
Marshall: I'm I supposed to be intimidated by that, what are you gon- (he was interrupted when Chase launched forward and tackled Marshall aggressively and pinned his back to the ground, Everyone was shocked but tried to contain himself, Chase growled at Marshall with a menacing look)
Chase: Let me remind you and the fact that I'm the same pup who shot Trevor and believe me when I say that if I wanted to, I could worse than that, so unless you wanna be my next victim, you watch your mouth, and you show Skye a lot more respect, am I making myself clear (he said with a aggressive growl, During all of this Marshall kept his same glare he had when arguing with Skye but that was his way of hiding most of the fear he had the moment Chase tackled him and pinned him down)
Marshall: Understood (he replied and Chase let Marshall get back up)

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