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5 Hours Later:
The plane was landing on a small runway strip just outside of Adventure Bay, once the plane stopped all the pups thanked the plane's pilot and crew members before driving there cars out of the plane and making their way back to the lookout
Rubble: So what's the plan about getting Claw
Chase: Working on it
Zuma: What, are you serious dude
Chase: All we're trying to do is find Claw
Zuma: And what are we going to do when we find him
Chase: Whatever is necessary
Marshall: Now how the heck are we gonna get this guy if you don't have a plan
Chase: Will you just chill out, I'll figure something out (he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice and the Paw Patrol kept on driving
10 Minutes Later:
The Paw Patrol were pulling up to the lookout, Everyone parked their cars and got out of them, they all began putting back their luggage in their pup houses, Chase was packing his things back into his pup house when he heard something, it sounded like a bunch of cars, he then looked towards Adventure Bay bridge to see a convoy of six X5M's and a M8 in the middle of the convoy

5 Hours Later:The plane was landing on a small runway strip just outside of Adventure Bay, once the plane stopped all the pups thanked the plane's pilot and crew members before driving there cars out of the plane and making their way back to the l...

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The cars then drove up to the lookout and then they all stopped, the doors opened and out stepped a bunch of armed gunmen and they all aimed at ChaseGunmen 1: FREEZE, DONT MOVE OR THINGS WILL GET REALLY COMPLICATED *Chase just angrily glanced at t...

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The cars then drove up to the lookout and then they all stopped, the doors opened and out stepped a bunch of armed gunmen and they all aimed at Chase
*Chase just angrily glanced at the gunmen and then the driver of the BMW stepped out of his car*
Claw: Well well well, Looks like the tables have turned haven't they Chase
Chase: No not really (he said with a slight chuckle)
Claw: Oh I see, you think this is all of this is just some big joke
Chase: Correction, I think your the joke (he said with a evil smirk)
*Soon the rest of the Paw Patrol walked outside to see what was all the shouting about*
Gunmen 2: AND THE REST OF YOU, STAY BACK (he yelled which made the pups wince a bit)
Claw: Looks like the whole family is here
Chase: What do exactly are you trying to accomplish here
Claw: I'm only here for you I'll have you know
Chase: And your point is
Claw: I know what you did to Trevor
Chase: Yeah because I told you
Claw: That doesn't change the fact that you shot him
Chase: You shot Rex so I shot Trevor, seems fair to me
*The pups were starting to get anxious as they didn't know what was going to happen and Claw was beginning to get annoyed at Chase's confident attitude*
Claw: Listen here Chase, I don't have time for your nonsense so I'm gonna cut you a deal and if you choose to accept then I shall leave Adventure Bay, just like Sweetie promised you
Chase: Yeah and how did that turn out for her huh,
Claw: Oh trust me that will have the same outcome for me
Chase: You sure about that
Claw: Absolutely
Chase: So this deal, what's in it for me
Claw: I take one of your friends, they come with me and they never see this place again
Chase: How would that benefit you
Claw: Sweetie was my partner and friend, she is no longer here but that doesn't mean there isn't any uhhh, room for improvement, if you know what I mean, I personally was thinking a pup like Skye (he said with a evil grin)
*As soon as Claw said that, Chase's angry glare became more aggressive*
Chase: You keep your paws away from her (he said while gritting his teeth)
*Claw didn't like the way Chase responded to that and then took matters into his own hands*
Claw: I see, oh well, gentlemen you know what to do (he said to his henchmen and they all pulled back the charging handles on their guns before aiming at the pups behind Chase*
Chase: WAIT!!! (He exclaimed before the henchmen opened fire)
Chase: What if you take me (he offered)
Skye: Chase (she quietly said)
Claw: Negotiation, I like that, and I'll ask the same thing you asked, what's in it for me
Chase: If you take me, you leave my friends alone, and you get the fuck out of Advance Bay
Claw: Ill take that, I'll give you a minute to say your farewell's to your friends their behind you
*Chase then turned around and the first thing he did was walk up to Skye, he looked at her and noticed that her expression wasn't a very positive one, a couple tears were escaping her eyes*
Chase: Hey (he said while lifting her chin to look into her eyes)
Chase: Look at me (he asked and she looked at him)
Chase: It's going to be ok, I promise, I just need you to be strong for me, can you do that (he said with a smile)
*Skye then pulled him in for a kiss, they stayed like that for about ten seconds before separating and looking into each other's eyes*
Skye: I love Chase
Chase: I love you too Skye (he said with a warm smile, he then went up to Rex)
Rex: Will I see you again
Chase: I can't promise you that
Rex: I understand, just  be there when I come and beat his ass
*Chase chuckled at his statement then he heard one of the henchmen shout at him*
Chase: I'll see you soon
Rex: I know (he said with a smile and Chase turned around and walked up to Claw)
Claw: Your riding in my car (he said and they both got into Claw's M8, the henchmen got in there X5M's and the whole convoy soon drove away making their way for the airport)

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