Getting Patched Up

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Chase pulled up to the gates outside Marks house, the guards checked who was in the car but saw it was Chase so they let him in, he pulled up next to the house and saw Mark working on his 812 and Chase then got out of his car to see what Mark was up to
Chase: Seems like your having a busy morning
Mark:  Ahh I'm just changing the windshield wiper fluid, nothing to special
Chase: Ok, Where's Hudson
Mark: Oh he took a Uber to a dealership to get another car
Chase: Oh that's nice, so when you getting something new
Mark: You know I was thinking of doing the same but I thought I'd wait a bit, haven't really thought about what id wanna get
Chase: I see

Mark then looked at Chase but noticed something on his chest, they were some small bullet wholes

Mark: Oh shit, you dude are you good
Chase: Yeah why
Mark: The bullet holes, on your chest

Chase then looked down at his chest to find out Mark was telling the truth, the were three small bullet holes in his chest

Chase: I guess I just didn't notice that
Mark: Doesn't it hurt
Chase: No not really, i mean my chest was hurting a bit when I woke up this morning but I didn't think it was because of that
Mark: Hold on let me just finish up here and I'll help get those bullets out of you
Chase: You know how to do that
Mark: Yeah but that's a tale for another day, you can wait inside I'm almost done over here (he assured and Chase went inside the building and waited for Mark to come and help him. Mark then came with first aid kit and a metal bowl to put the bullets in, he sat down next to Chase and took out the equipment he needed to try and get the bullets out of Chase's chest)

Mark: Even if these bullets ain't hurting you, this might so just try to keep still (he said while taking out his suitable tools)
Chase: I'll take your word for it (he said as he let Mark do his thing, after a minute or so Mark managed to get a hold of the first bullet and pull it out)

Mark: *Pulls out the bullet* Did that hurt
Chase: A little bit
Mark: *Chuckles* Seems like your use to this
Chase: Yeah you could say that, I mean it's not the first time this is happening to me
Mark: What is that supposed to mean
Chase: In my earlier years before I joined the Paw Patrol I was serving in the military
Mark: Did you get drafted
Chase: Nope, joined by choice
Mark: So were you just like some war junkie
Chase: *Laughs* I just wanted to serve and protect my country
Mark: What made you stop
Chase: A serious injury I got from being in a helicopter Wreck
Mark: A helicopter Wreck
Chase: Yeah, We were being extracted and an RPG hit the tail rotor, the pilot lost control and the chopper crashed into a building, I suffered from a broken leg and a big cut which made loose a lot of blood (he said and he slightly winced his eyes and grunted slightly in pain when Mark pulled out the second bullet

Chase: Ok, that one hurt a bit more
Mark: There's still one more though
Chase: Great
Mark: I'll try and stop this one from hurting as much (he said trying to pull out the last bullet but he was being a bit more careful so that it was as least painful for Chase as possible)

Mark: So how do you feel about last night, did get what you wanted
Chase: Well technically I did
Mark: What do you mean technically
Chase: Well when he got back to the safe house everyone was awake and waiting for me, i then had explain why I was out so late
Mark: Shit, how'd that go
Chase: Decent, but one of my friends is now pissed off with me because I lied to him
Mark: About what
Chase: There was one or two times when you called me and they heard me talking to you, they asked what you and I were talking about but I told them you were just checking up on me
Mark: Oh
Chase: I was only trying to protect them but, Marshall just didn't see that as an excuse
Mark: Yeah some people just need more convincing (he added)
Mark: I've almost got it out (he said trying to take o it the last bullet, after a few more gentle pulls he got the bullet out)
Mark: There we go, your all good, now annoyingly this first aid kit for someone reason doesn't have bandages so I'll go get some, just wait here (he said getting up to get some bandages)
Chase: Alright (he replied)

(While Chase was waiting for Mark he heard a car pulling up to the house and tried figuring out what it was by the sound)
Chase: What engine is that, sounds like a flat-6 (he thought to himself, the car turned off and a minute later Hudson walked in)
Hudson: Mark I'm back
Chase: Oh hey Hudson
Hudson: Oh hey Chase, what the hell happened to you
Chase: This is from last night when I killed Trevor
Hudson: Wait so your removing bullets from your body that were in your body the night before, why didn't you remove it yesterday
Chase: As crazy as it sounds, I didn't feel it, I didn't feel any pain or anything until this morning
Hudson: Dam, you are one tough dog
Mark: Alright I got the bandages, oh hey Hudson
Hudson: Hey Mark, you patching him up
Mark: Yep, he took quite the hit (he said wrapping the bandages on Chase)
Hudson: Three bullets to the chest and he was still able to get back in the fight
Mark: So what did you get (he asked and Hudson just showed the keys of the car)
Chase: I new I heard a Porshe Flat-6
Hudson: Yeah, you wanna see it
Chase: Sure (he replied and they all went outside to look at the car)

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