Don't Go Insane

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(Disclaimer: this chapter includes concepts of hallucination, psychosis, and torture. not everything is going to make sense.)

(Kaminari's POV)

I showed up to the address exactly at dusk. I was wearing my hero costume, but I also had a few extra tools on me this time. I wasn't walking into this blind. I was prepared.

The location looked like an ordinary office building from the outside, but I kept my guard up. Someone was waiting by the entrance to let me inside. The door looked normal from the outside, but when it shut behind us, I heard at least three heavy locks being latched shut.

There's no turning back now.


"Denki Kaminari. I've been waiting so long to finally meet you."

"I'm I know you?"

I stood there, confused. I've never met this man in my life. I studied his face over and over again. I didn't recognize him at all.

"You're the one who killed my brother." He says, "When you decided to be a hero and rescue those people. You still killed my brother."

"Your brother was also a murderer-"

"So what? You heroes get to pick and choose who lives and who dies?"

He steps closer to me. As I try to step back, I'm grabbed by two other guys. I tried to zap them, but it was useless. I didn't even notice these guys were all wearing a layer of rubber.

"Maybe you need to see how it feels. You need a taste of your own medicine!"

Before I could even react, he places his hand on my head. My eyes shut quickly, but instead of the usual darkness you see when you close your eyes, I'm met with a bright mixture of colors rapidly flashing through my eyes.

I became disoriented. I felt myself fall to my knees, but I couldn't see anything around me. The colors and the lights kept flashing and flashing. I almost felt like I was gonna puke.

When it finally stopped and I could see again, I was outside.

The streets were empty. My ears were ringing, and I was still dizzy.

When I turn around, a crowd of people suddenly goes rushing past me. They're away running from something.


That voice.

Through the crowd, I spot Kyouka.

"Kyo!" I shout.

She's running this way, a wave of smoke a debri following close behind her.

I run towards her, getting knocked back by the people running the opposite way.


Right before the cloud reaches her, she falls. She's swallowed by the darkness.

"Kyouka!" The cloud overtakes me too.

I can't see through all the smoke and dust, but I'm still standing. I keep walking.

"Kyouka! Where are you?!"

The smoke begins to clear.

"Looks like you're too late, Chargebolt." It was him. The villain that lured me here in the first place. He was holding Kyouka by the neck, strangling her.

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