All of My Life

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(Kaminari's POV)

"Was that the last box?"

"Yep. Now we just gotta sort through all of them so we can get unpacked."

"We can help separate them by room. I think that'll be easier."

It's move-in day!

Kyouka's parents and my parents all wanted to help us bring all our stuff over, so here we are.

Daiki and Kaiya are enjoying all the open space for now. He's chasing her around the house while the adults do all the heavy lifting.

All of our boxes were labeled; we just had to move them to the right spots.

Our house has three bedrooms. The main one will be where we all sleep for now. Another one will be Kaiya's play room until she's old enough to sleep on her own. The last one, we decided to turn into a music and storage room.

After everything was sorted, we wanted to treat our families with some food. We ordered a few pizzas, and that was the first meal we had in our new house.

"Daiki! Kaiya! Come eat with us!" My mom called for them.

"Coming!" Daiki called back.

Daiki walks into the kitchen, holding Kaiya's hand.

"What about Kaiya? Can she eat pizza?" He asks.

"Maybe just a little bit of the plain cheese." Kyouka says, "We have some other stuff for her too."

It felt nice sharing a meal with all the people I love. We haven't done something like this in a while.

After everyone left, Kyouka and I started unpacking our things.

"There's so much wall space." She says, "We could hang a bunch of pictures and decorations."

"We could find some more pictures to print. I have some nice ones on my phone."

"Let's look through some later."


Our first night in our new house came quickly. Kaiya was tired from running around all day. We were tired too, but we stayed up a little longer.

Kyouka and I were sitting by the window in the living room, admiring the view from our new home.

Our apartment had a view of the city, but this house has a more scenic view. More nature, less traffic and lights.

"This place is beautiful." She says.

"I agree. We really got lucky with this one."

She turns to look at the boxes sitting on the floor, "This reminds me of when we first moved in together before we got married."

"Things were so different back then."

She laughs softly, "Do you remember when we first brought Kaiya home? We were so nervous."

"Oh yeah." I chuckle, "Neither of us got any sleep because we were so worried about watching her."

She lets out a sigh, "I think we're doing a decent job as parents."

"Decent? I think we're pretty good."

"Yeah, we are, but I just feel like our jobs get in the way sometimes."

"You're right, but this is what we chose to do. This is what we're meant to do."

(Jirou's POV)

Our first night in our new house went smoothly. I was surprised how well Denki slept. No nightmares or anything like that. He slept like a baby.

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