XXIV - The Search

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In the morning, while having breakfast, the couple talked about the upcoming trip to Planet Life. Suddenly, Nicholas felt something strange and looked at the ceiling, then at the walls.

"What's it, Nick?"

"My God! I feel another presence close to us! I see an embryo in your mind." She puts her hand on her womb.

"But how? You still don't know how to use telepathy."

"Tibor is teaching me and I think the chip that you implanted is already working well." Zara looked surprised. "Are you pregnant?"

"I was going to tell you... I just didn't know how.

Nicholas put both hands on his head.

"This should not be possible. I am a human and you, a lifean..."

"Nick, there's one more thing you need to know: We aren't a totally different species. We are humans as well. I've already told you."

"Yes, I remember."

"The probability of genetical compatibility is very low, but it's not impossible. I've adjusted some of my eggs to increase the chance."

"And what will the baby look like?"

"The genetic dominance of the hybrid beings is from the homo sapiens, and the girl will look like you. But understand that it was only a contingency plan, in case there were any accidents."

Nicholas was angry.

"Nice plan! In a few days, your genetic engineering already knew that it would be a girl and me, a mere object. That's why you threw yourself at me from the start. So, I could be used as a breeding animal, if I didn't agree to go with you."

"It's true, Nick. Something could go wrong and I received orders, but I didn't know I was going to fall in love..."

He tried to walk away from there, but she took him by the arm. She said:

"Nick, don't be like that to me."

Nicholas was avoiding Zara.

"Don't touch me! Wouldn't it be easier to just abduct me and then bring me back? Why did you pretend to like me? Why did you deceive me?"

"No, Nick, it's not like this! I really do like you."

"Damn it! Damn it! Our love couldn't be true."

"Wait, Nick!"


Sivoc's crew had no idea they were being stalked, although they were all still hidden in the Big Apple. The captain, Drako and Zara were resting in the apartment while Nicholas and Tibor trained in the warehouse Drako had rented. Sanches watched the fights.

Sivoc was relaxed, listening to some classic songs that came from the radio. He felt as if the songs touched his soul very deep, making him relax more and more. It was one of Beethoven's symphonies.

"Such a magnificent masterpiece," he thought.

The apartment where they lived was a big one. It had four bedrooms. The living room had walls painted in the color of sand, and was furnished with a comfortable couch and a reclining armchair. In his room, there was a large window with a wonderful view of the city through which he spent some time watching people walking up and down the streets. Living there and watching days pass by, he didn't know that his opponent, Merko, was searching every database on Earth for any piece of information about the place where they were hiding.

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