XXXI - The Escape

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Mirov was nervous because of the delay. He sat down on an armchair to try to relax, but that was impossible. Then, he got up and started to pace endlessly around his office. He had told Radof to keep him informed about all the details of every event and his silence was making him impatient.

"I wonder why my incompetent servant is taking so long to come back. He isn't even keeping me updated! Where the hell is he?"

He decided to call Merko and try to get something from him.

"Captain, is everything going well with the surgery?"

"Yes, Counselor. Everything's perfect. In a short while I will talk to you in person, to tell you all the details about it. Please, just wait a little more."

"Dammed Captain! He hasn't said anything about what is happening there. And I need some help just in case Radof fails and spoils everything! However, who could help me?" The evil man thought for some seconds. "That's it! I'll send for the chief of the Royal Guard, Fizard. He's one of my men. I promised to honor him with the title of Commander of the Planetary Troops as soon as I become the new King. And now I need his help."

The leader of the Royal Guard had passed the order of the day to his subordinates, and was taking a nap in his quarters, when a red light beeped on his bracelet. Startled, he projected a holographic image that came from his bracelet. The form of the despicable counselor showed in front of him.

"Captain Fizard, something might have happened to my servant Radof. He hasn't reported to me yet. I want you to find out what's going on and tell me how things are at the hospital. Don't forget you'll be my newest Commander when I become King."

"Yes, Sir. I'll do that and soon I'll be back with fresh news to you, Your Honor."

"Do it. Now!"

"If something goes wrong with the original plan, I'll try to spoil the girl's healing after the procedure... Maybe some kind of venom", he thought. "I must find an alternative."

A nano-bug in the shape of a spider went down Mirov's office's wall, slid under the door and went to the department where Drako monitored the transplant. The nano-spy got into the room, went up the leg of a table and stopped in front of Drako, who watched a hologram attentively. Then, another image showed in a sudden on the screen; it was the conversation the insect had recorded between the evil counselor and the chief of the Royal Guard. Drako watched everything and turned to the almost invisible creature.

"Good job, little spider. Go back there and keep doing your job."

Meanwhile, Zara was sitting worried in one of the various waiting rooms of the hospital. She tried to talk to everyone, but they all asked her to hold on because they were focused on keeping Nicholas and the princess safe. Sivoc also wanted her to be calm because of the baby.

He also wanted her to wait until the end of the surgery, when she would be informed about its results. Zara put her hand on her stomach and caressed it. She thought about the bonds she had made with Nicholas and the baby in her womb as a result of that.

"I just can't understand why so many secrets. I wonder if there's something serious happening. But Sivoc knows better than that. I'll be waiting for more information. I must relax", Zara pondered while she tried to calm down.

Drako called his leader and reported what his nano bug had recorded to him: the conversation the counselor had had with Fizard. Evidences against him grew fast.

"Commander Sivoc, I've intercepted a conversation between the Counselor and Fizard. They are planning on killing the Princess and taking over the throne. I have the recording with me and I'll be sending the files to you in a few minutes. In these files, you'll see all evidences of Mirov's evil plan. He's worried about Radof, his servant who hasn't shown yet. They also show him asking the captain to go to the hospital to check what's going on there."

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