Chapter 4: Truth is STRANGER Than Fiction

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"Remember how I said the timing makes no sense? But you're here. Like you'd finally shown up and I didn't realize I was looking for you."
—Loveboat, Taipei by Abigail Hing Wen


Waking up to the intense heat and the glare of the sun on my face, I was momentarily confused where I was. It felt sticky and itchy, the sand had gotten into places in my body I don't even want to think about. Glancing at my watch, it's already almost 10 am. Realizing I was still naked, I picked up my boxers and wore them before turning to wake up the boy sleeping beside me only to discover that it was empty. Did he leave? When? Did he leave without even saying a word to me?

My face heated, not just from the possible sunburn but from embarrassment. I've had a couple of short affairs like these in the US and I know the rules, but I have always been awake when they leave or my partner is when it was me who leaves first. Scrambling to wear the rest of my clothes and finally realizing that he had left his blanket. Picking it up together with the beer cans, I started walking back home.

When I decided to walk down these shores last night I wasn't thinking of anything but to drown my misery with alcohol, in peace with no witnesses. It never crossed my mind that I'll meet someone and even sleep him. The gentle smile and crescent eyes of the mystery manboy flashed in my memory and I smiled. He was truly good looking, in a very comfortable and colorful way, remembering his flowery shirt.

"Akk you just got back?" My Mae asked as I entered the house and I nodded.

"I got a bit drunk in the coves Mae and fell asleep in the sand. I just woke up," I smiled sheepishly as I placed the blanket in the laundry basket.

"You better make sure to put aloe on your skin soon, you're gonna peel off. I made you some soup. I knew you were going to be hungover, let's eat," My mother said.

"I'll shower first Mae, I'll be back," I hurried to the bathroom.

After eating, I took my laptop outside to work. My mom bought me some cold juice and sat beside me.

"Mae, the contractors are going to start working the day after tomorrow. Will it be too noisy for you?" I asked her. "Should I get you a hotel room in town so you won't be disturbed during the day?"

"Akk, I don't need it. Besides, I want to go visit Gaipa again. I miss the boy. I haven't seen him since you came home. He did say he will give us time to bond. It'll be quiet in his house, so I can also rest there," my mom said.

"Okay, if you're sure. Would this Gaipa not mind?" I looked at my mom's face who had a fond expression for this boy she kept mentioning.

"Of course not. Gaipa is a good boy and he likes me," my mom exclaims.

Eventually my mom excused herself saying she's going to nap. My mind wanders to the events last night and the mysterious boy. I wonder where he really lives? What was he doing in the cove all by himself? Remembering what he said about the one he loves marrying somebody else, my heart actually hurt for him. He must be devastated. I wonder if I would feel the same if I found out that Aye had already married someone else?

Before I knew it, five days had passed since that night. Yet thoughts of the mysterious boy and his eager, innocent touches and sweet, responsive lips keep haunting my memory. Most of all, those kind, gentle eyes that never seemed to hold any judgment in them, instead just sympathy and understanding are just so hard to forget.  Feeling like I'm close to losing my mind with the thoughts of the stranger. I've had a few one night stands whilst I was in the US and I never thought of them beyond that one night. It has left me wondering just what is so different with this boy that I couldn't seem to shake him off.

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