Chapter 12: When The Smoke Clears

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Standing with my hand ready to press the doorbell to Ayan's condo, I felt the agitation and clamminess of my palm. Praying things would go better this time, and hoping Aye and I could finally come to a peaceful conclusion.

The door opened to a freshly showered Aye who led me to his living room and asked if I wanted coffee. I told him I'll just have what he is having and if not, I'm also fine. Nodding, he went to his open kitchen and poured two cups of coffee which he set down on the table between us.

Ayan is indeed more handsome now, but I wonder why my heart doesn't beat fast like it used to with just the sight of him. Despite appearances, Ayan being the more expressive one, I was actually more madly in love than he was. Ayan had dated before us but for me, all my first had been with Ayan. Starring openly at his face now- unlike the previous time we met, I remember everything and I feel fondness towards this man who was my first love. But unlike before, he no longer makes me buzz with excitement nor does he make me want to always have physical contact with him. Instead my mind drifted to someone with an innocent gaze and bright, trusting smile who looked doubly cuter when he just wakes up in bed, hair all messed up and as he slowly extricate himself from my grasp, looking down on my face with so much trust that it almost hurt to keep pretending I was still asleep. Gaipa, what is he doing now?

Startled out of my reverie when Ayan called my name.

"Sorry Aye, can you repeat what you said?" I smiled apologetically at him.

"I asked you to tell me about what happened when you left, where you went, everything. Are you alright?" Ayan peered at my face.

"Oh yeah, I am. Just remembered something I needed but forgot to do," I assured him. I proceeded to tell Ayan about the scholarship, my life in the US and why I was finally back home.

"You never came back when your father died?" Ayan asked, surprised.

Shaking my head, I told him: "he told me never to show up in front of him again Aye. Even when he got sick. I sent my mom the funds but she could never tell him it was from me because he was still cursing me up to his last day, saying he should have never raised me."

"I'm sorry you have to go through that alone... you should have told me," Ayan said teary eyed.

"What would telling you about it do, Aye? You'll force my dad to accept his only son is gay?" I laughed humorously trying to lighten up the mood.

"You're right. Also, I'm sorry about my mom. Although I still stand by the fact that you are wrong for doing everything without consulting me. You should have asked me Akk, I would probably have come with you to the US if you asked," Ayan states almost bitterly.

"The exact reason why I never asked you Ayan. I didn't want you to give up your life for me," I looked him in the eyes.

"Isn't that a choice I should be making on my own?" He retorts.

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