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Over a year after we started dating, things are better than ever.  My mom adores Gaipa and has been gently supportive of our relationship.

I went back to the US for a semi-annual meeting with my employer and the rest of the remote staff for about a month, needing time to dispose of some things and sublet my apartment since I'll probably be there each year for only  a few days. Keeping an apartment empty is impractical. The lease is an added income too. I wanted to take Gaipa with me for a vacation but he insisted a month alone for Mae is not safe, so he stayed home and assured me we can take a shorter vacation together later. Gaipa is proving himself to be the best son my mom could ever have.

Walking hand in hand, as we entered the ballroom of the hotel where the first birthday of Wat's son is being held. Nowadays, Khan and Wat greets Gaipa first before they even greet me. So as expected, Khan hugged Gaipa as I greeted Thua beside Khan in a friendly manner. Wat and his little family are happily visiting family and friend's tables, taking pictures.

"And why are you so late?" Khan inquired, looking at my poker face but then he proceeded to look at Gai whose pink face just couldn't hide his guilty conscience.

"Oh no... really Akk? Wat would be so happy if he finds out. His kid's first birthday happens only once in his lifetime but you couldn't help your horny self, could you?" Khan is teasing us with his mocking tone, trying to stop himself from laughing loud as Gai fidgets uncomfortably.

"Stop torturing poor Gaipa, Khan! You know he's not built for your brand of teasing!" Ayan interjects, effectively joining our table. Smiling reassuringly at Gaipa and greeting me in a friendly way. A man as tall as I am, wearing a leather jacket had joined the table too, holding two plates in his hand.

"Sand, this is Akk and his fiance, Gaipa," Ayan introduces his date. I stood up, shaking the good looking man's hand. Assisting Gaipa who also offered his hand briefly with a friendly smile. "This is Sand, my..." Ayan surprisingly reddened with embarrassment. Rarely flustered, even I was surprised to see this side of Ayan.

"Your what?" Khan teasing him, prodded for Ayan to finish his sentence.

"My boyfriend! you asshole!" Ayan spatted, glaring at Khan who was laughing mirthlessly.

"I hope you'll get used to him in no time," I told Sand who sat beside me, as Ayan sat beside Thua.

"I've heard worst teasing from my friends, don't worry about it" Sand answered in a relaxed friendly manner. Briefly wondering if this new boyfriend knows about Ayan and I's past.

Six months ago, Aye and Gaipa first met each other. Immediately taking a liking to my gentle mannered then-boyfriend, now fiance, Ayan had been very open to meeting together ever since. Sensing that Ayan had just wanted to put a stop to the awkward situation. If Ayan was there, I made sure to not bring Gaipa to the gathering, not for anything but to respect Ayan's feelings. And if Gaipa was there, Ayan would come up with some lame excuse for his absence. Maybe, he also got over the past and decided he was okay with me being happy with someone else. Whatever the reason is, things were getting better between us and despite the complicated past, Aye and Gaipa had gotten along well.

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