Everyone Against the Queen

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Laura's POV

"Hades, sweetie, are you okay?" I asked, furrowing my brows, and tilted my head to get a better look at him. This morning, he was acting strange; he was quieter than usual and barely touched his breakfast.

He kept his head down, his hair curling his face, making it difficult for me to see his face, "I'm okay. Just deep in thought." He muttered.

"Well, that's not right for a kid; you'll look old if you start worrying at a young age," Nate said with a slight joke.

Finally, Hades lifted his head and smiled at Nate and me, "Yeah, you're right, Dad..." He said, but I wasn't buying it; I knew something was wrong, but Hades, being like his father, was stubborn. "Don't you have a meeting this morning?" He asked in confusion.

"Indeed we do, but your mother and I wanted to have breakfast with you before we go," Nate answered with a grin, and he leaned in a bit. "So I was told you want to learn to play the violin?" Hades nodded his head 'yes', and Nate chuckled softly, "Okay, I think it would be good to learn it after you've learnt the piano. I don't want you to get overwhelmed."

Hades shook his head, "no, I'm fine learning to play both instruments simultaneously." He leaned back and smirked, then lifted his head, "How you have forgotten I'm smart."

We all laughed, "Ah yes, my boy is smart. If you say so, I'll have someone teach you, but if it gets too overwhelming, just your mother or I, then we'll figure something out."

"Don't worry, Daddy, I love a challenge."

I giggled softly, and Sean walked into the room with a wide grin, "Good morning, royals! I came to tell you it's time for our meeting." He said and then winked at Hades, who, of course, was not happy about that.

Nate stood up from his seat and then stretched his hand to me; I took it as I slowly stood. Each day, my belly becomes heavier and heavier, and these little girls are not helping when they jump around like energic puppies. Well, they were pups...

"Hades, please stay out of trouble and don't wander away from your guards, " Nate said.

I rolled my eyes, then kissed his head, "We love you and see you later." I said before leaving the kitchen. While in the hallway, I glanced at Nate, "Do you know what's bothering him?" I asked.

"I don't know, but we can't force him to tell us," Nate sighed. "His stubborn," he muttered.

"Geez, I wonder where he gets it from?" Sean exclaimed in a curious tone. Nate growled at him in warning, and I laughed. "Our scary guest will attend the meeting at the council's request; they want to know the situation." He said in a bored tone.

"Whatever the situation, we must help after what we've done to the vampires," when I said that, I felt Nate tense up, but he quickly recovered and relaxed.

"I still wonder who the King is because the way they call meetings out of the blue is unforgivable," Nate mumbled.

We continued heading to the council room, and along the way, we met up with some of the new elders who were part of the council. Elder Smith, Elder Reed, Elder Lee, and Elder Grey were the new royal elders, and they were all open-minded but were not afraid of speaking their minds when needed. Also, they were all nice when they were not in business mode.

Once in the council room, Nate and I went to our seats with a good view of the whole room. As we walked to our seats, everyone stood and bowed until we reached our seats. "You may sit," Nate said, and everyone sat. "I greet you all and thank you for attending this meeting now, please... Let us begin."

As Nate took his seat, I saw Maxim seated next to Liam. Seeing that rude vampire still gave me chills, but I could not believe he had come to us for help.

Elder Lee stood; he had jet-black hair and dark eyes; he bowed to us and then spoke, "Luna Queen, Alpha King, the whole reason why we called for this meeting was not just to discuss the vampire but also about the rogue... Jay." When he said Jay's name, my heart dropped. "We have word that Jay has reappeared and has been spotted in some areas, so this is our chance to capture him."

"Capture him?" I blurted without thinking. I felt Nate's gaze on me, and I knew he wanted me to drop it, but I could never do that. "Elder Lee, forgive me, but why does it sound like we're talking about a monster? Jay was once a trusted and respected alpha, and now you make it sound as though he's nothing but a rotten criminal."

"I apologize, Luna Queen," he said and bowed. "Indeed, Jay was a well-respected alpha, but the evidence points him as a murderer, and his sudden disappearance does not look good on his part. As much as he was a good man, we must follow protocol and apprehend him."

I opened my mouth to say something, but Nate cut me off, "And where has he been spotted?" He asked.

I glared at him, but he ignored my burning gaze.

"Not so far from Aira pack."

"Then it's settled, Beta Sean," Sean stood and bowed once Nate called him out. "Take some of your best warriors and get him; if he resists arrest, use any means to apprehend him," Nate said with a straight face.

"Nate," I gasped under my breath. "I don't think violence is needed!" I lifted my voice in anger, noticing how everyone froze in shock. "If he goes, then I go," I said.

Suddenly, Elder Reed stood and quickly bowed; she had grey hair and greyish eyes and was also Dr Reed's grandmother, "Luna Queen, please think this through; remember you are pregnant." She said, then lifted her head, "Luna Queen, if you believe Jay is innocent, he will not avoid arrest. So have faith, and no violence will be used."

She was correct; if I believed he was innocent, he would never try to avoid being taken in by Sean. I sighed and nodded as I leaned back against my seat; Elder Reed and Lee bowed before taking their seats, and there was silence in the room. "Beta Sean, you have your orders, and do not return until you have Jay," Nate said.

"Yes, Alpha King," Sean bowed, then left the council room.

Once again, there was silence in the council room after Sean left, and Nate broke the silence, "Okay, to our next discussion." He said.

Elder Smith stood and bowed. He had a light shade of blonde hair and steel blue eyes, "five years ago, the werewolves and witches attacked the vampires because we heard of their plans to rule over the supernatural community. But two nights ago, we had a visit from King John's right-hand vampire, Maxim. We as a council are concerned about his 'visit' after what we have done." He said, glancing at Maxim, who sat quietly on his seat with a cold look.

"I am aware of our past, but let's have him speak his part," Nate said. Then, everyone looked over to Maxim, who stayed seated.

Maxim leaned back against his seat and folded his arms across his broad chest, "Indeed, I am pissed about your coward attack against my kind while we were at our weakest and after helping your kind with the Lycan Brothers. But I must swallow my pride and ask for your help..."

"And what must that be?" Elder Smith asked, narrowing his gaze on the vampire.

"At the beginning of the year, King John called up a meeting with his council, elders and high class to discuss our recovery. You see, even though five years have passed, we are wounded," he glared straight up at Nate. "However, they were attacked during that meeting and those who were there were taken. No one knows where they are. I've spent half this year searching for them, but no luck and it's not like I can approach the witches for help."

"So you thought we could help?" Nate asked.

Maxim nods, "Nathan, as much as you pretend not to care, I know you feel guilty for turning against your friend, and I know your mate is too kind-hearted to let the vampire who saved her be in trouble." He leans in a bit, "Also, these vampires that were taken are all pure blood, and some of them have children worried about their parents. So I ask... Could you help me? Please."

"How would we know it's not a trap?" Some began to murmur.

Nate stood, "I'll help."

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